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Google bans 'explicit' adult content from Blogger blogs


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Let's not get all bent, yet. Google, like Escapees Websites and Forums, are privately owned so free speech does not apply. Free speech is only guaranteed in public places and spaces run by the US governments. So let's start with the correct premise. Google owns their networks. They can legally do what they want. But wait a minute! What about their Google Voice, Google mail? They already read both and Google users agree to that in the EULA. But can they alter them legally? I think so.


Why? Because they are not regulated under Title II as telecommunications services and could, conceivably delete photos and videos from being sent whole, bleeping out voice words or fuzzing pictures.


OK, this one will not have an effect on most of us on this forum, granted. But it is an example, a good one, of Net Neutrality.


How you ask? I this another rant? No.


Just picture this. What if Google, or your cable operator, decided they only wanted to allow streaming of Democratic or Republican events? Or refused to carry only Baptist or Catholic websites.


Our Telcos thrive on their competition getting ever more features and competitive prices despite having been regulated by the dreaded Title II of the jackbooted FCC! Hmm. If I don't like Verizon I can switch. If I don't like Suddenlink I can not switch to another provider. If I don't like Google (I don't) I can eliminate all their products and search engines from all my phones/computers/tablets, which I did. And use other services. My VoIP service is MagicJack. I have to pay for it! $99.99 for five years! Or $20.00 a year, or $1.66/month. I can do that! No one is parsing my calls, they are registered under Title II and taxed at a couple bucks over the $99.99 making it $103.00give or take a couple of bucks. So far I have old fashioned privacy in my calls from home, or using the App, from any WiFi hotspot too.


Having said that, I support Google in doing what they want on their own network. I feel that their users will tolerate anything for the email anonymity they think they get with a Gmail number. Or a Google Voice call.


Today they clean up their blogs, tomorrow? The world muah ha ha!




"Google will soon disappear blogs on its Blogger platform that don't conform to its new anti-adult policies.


Every Blogger user behind an "adult content warning" page was told Monday by Google to delete sexually explicit content, or find their blog removed from every form of access except registered users.


Until today, Google's Blogger platform previously allowed "images or videos that contain nudity or sexual activity," and stated that "Censoring this content is contrary to a service that bases itself on freedom of expression."


That changed on a whim Monday when Google ripped the rug out from under its previously-compliant Blogger users, who were told they'd be disappeared if Google decided their blogs contain "sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video."


Rather than leave its already-restricted adult content alone, Google has told Blogger users it will be eliminating all adult blogs from public access on March 23, 2015, (and taking them out of all forms of search).

Blogger blogs with adult content which -- at this time -- are findable in search will be deep-sixed from the Internet once the changes take effect.


There is a wide range of users on Blogger's fresh killing floor, most of whom routinely face sexual censorship. It's essential to understand that a good amount of those blogs have had the "adult" label applied to them by Blogger itself, deserved or not.


Google harms the Internet: Broken links, traffic suppression


When Google forces its "unacceptable" Blogger blogs to go dark, it will break more of the Internet than you think. Countless links that have been accessible on Blogger since its inception in 1999 will be broken across the Internet.


The search giant arguably controls the world's ability to find information online. comScore's March 2014 U.S. Search Engine Rankings show Google leading the core search market with 67.5 percent of all search queries conducted.


Google is a company, and may do as it pleases with its products.


But that maxim is a red herring when cultural shocks like domestic spying shine a light on the acute role Google embodies as a public utility, and our very real need for Google not to mess with open access to information, no matter if Google "likes" the content of that information or not.


Remember, Blogger's door started slamming shut on those deemed less deserving of its 'privilege' after Google walked through it.


The entire article is here:http://www.zdnet.com/article/google-bans-explicit-adult-content-from-blogger-blogs/?tag=nl.e539&s_cid=e539&ttag=e539&ftag=TRE17cfd61


The issues raised go far beyond the single issue of cleaning one relatively small corner of the Internet, or liking or not liking adult content, or any content. I support Google in exercising its rights as a private enterprise website owner.


What happens when the Internet providers themselves like Cable companies and Telcos flex their rights as non utility, non regulated, except the regulations they lobbied for and got passed in your states to stop any competition from locals, or prevent free US citizens, tired of lousy service, and no service to outlying areas in their communities, from starting their own, much faster municipal Internet service that pays for itself. Private companies regulating us to only their benefit? In America? Time for change. They can stay and compete. Hey the startups and municipal Internet broadband will have to compete too. And they have a head start! But they'll have to do as well as the startups. Should be easy right?


Things are happening that should not, as control of US communications is debated as whether it is a utility or not. Cable TV obviously is not a necessary public utility. Today the Internet, regardless of provider, IMHO, is.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Does this mean we are going to have to remove the picture from our blog of the nude beach at the Canaveral National Seashore? WARNING, do not click the link if you do not want to see the nasty naked "greeter" guy at Playalinda Beach.



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Beer belly plus cool day seem to have rendered that one safe enough. :-)


So when will someone post the Q bookstore guy?

First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.

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Those are some real characters Gary! :lol:


Do let us know if your blogs get pulled for a couple of naked geezers! ^_^

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Okay, so Google, who offers a free spot on the internet (actually several) now says there is a string attached to use their FREE service. More power to them, its their party and they can cry if they want to. Me, I'll say thank you for the free stuff.


It becomes a totally different ball game when you are paying for the access since you have a contract with the provider. Market forces can and will have an impact on providers who are less than willing to serve their customers (see DishNet vs Fox News).


Unlike cell phone P2P connectivity, the internet is primarily a broadcast medium more like unto broadcast television. Do you think for one minute that the government is going to step in under the guise of Net Neutrality and not want to constrict, restrict and TAX (this could be FEE, interchangeable) what is a booming industry - adult content. So now the government says decency laws prevent the content. Then ISP's jump on that band wagon as well and provide only their customers with "premium content" which is then a private concern, like cable or satellite tv and exempt from the decency restrictions. Then, they "expand" their services again to a "platinum content" by moving some previously basic services over to a higher cost level and shutting out the basic consumer (Comcast got caught on this one).


With net neutrality comes, what I believe can't be anything less, over-reaching government intrusion that will be as waiver ridden, exempt driven, and incompetently administered as we've seen in the ACA.

Berkshire XL 40QL

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