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Everything posted by sandsys

  1. We enjoyed the Blue Ridge Parkway as well. I think all the rain and storms everywhere are getting a lot of us down. Ready for summer now. Linda Sand
  2. Tea, huh? What kind of tea? The kind, like cranberry juice, that Joe & Steve like? Linda
  3. Or Tuesday. Monday is Memorial Day. I think. Linda Sand
  4. We got two tornado watches yesterday but no warnings. Some heavy rain here but that's all. Sure glad to not be a Fire Lake anymore. Linda Sand
  5. I would turn off the radio and use my own GPS. When you drive out of town are you going to get static between driving directions?!!! Linda
  6. LOL!!! Be sure to buckle it in. And don't open any before reaching your destination. Linda
  7. If you rent a vehicle from Enterprise they will bring it to the campground for you then you give them a ride back to the office. Not sure they have trucks but they do have vans. Which would give you a place to keep your tools while waiting for resolution. So glad you still have your home; hope the hitch is OK. And I'll bet you have a few aches and pains now you didn't before if only from muscle tension. You need to find a cowgirl to come give you a massage.
  8. Is there a honey wagon service where you are? That worked for us when we got flooded out of the full hookup part of a park. If you do drive to the dump be sure you drive far enough to give your engine a good workout. I've been told very short drives are not good. Linda
  9. Well, it's sn*wing in Mpls here again today. It's MAY people! I have never seen snow up here in May. That global climate change may be real. But, it may be it just shifted time. Dave says they always used to go ice skating the day after Thanksgiving and we haven't been able to do that in years. Except for the year we had the Halloween blizzard. At least it's not supposed to get cold enough to freeze my tanks as my RV sits out in the parking lot here. Linda
  10. I am home--in Minnesota--and we are having 70s. Yay! Unfortunately, there is still a little s**w on the ground and they say we may get more this week. What month is this?!!! Linda
  11. I am home! In the top part of Tornado Alley but managed to drive up it without getting hit by any hail even. Only because I went to the wrong casino. Linda Sand
  12. Three more days to home. If the weather holds up. Big if. Linda
  13. Yes, not far away. But not worth driving in this wind. I don't like ice cream THAT much. Plus I'd have to unload my Scoot to get me to the machine and I can't drive it in the rain. And I do like have a sewer connection at my site instead of that casino's uphill dump in their parking lot. So when the storm is done here, I will fill my water and dump my tanks and head on towards home. In the meantime this place is quiet and my neighbors are a lot farther away than they would be at the Grand. Sorry to miss a meet-up with Steved44 but they aren't home this weekend anyway. Linda Sand
  14. OK, lets talk abut FireLake casino here. Did you know there were two of them? One called FireLake Grand and the other just FireLake? Both in Shawnee, Oklahoma? People got confused so the Grand apparently dropped FireLake from it's name. I didn't know any of this so I am now at the wrong FireLake casino. I don't think there ever was an ice cream machine at this one. But it has sewer hookups instead of an uphill dump so I think I'll just stay right here until this incoming front passes by. Unless security finally shows up and wants too much money. Most casinos don't want too much money for RV parking, though, so I'm not worrying about it. Happy anniversary Steve and Carol. Hope the photography convention was a good one. Linda Sand
  15. Steve, Sent an email to the new address you sent me but it says no such place. Now you are hiding you as well as the machine? Linda
  16. Party at Joe's tomorrow. Bring your own toppings. Linda
  17. Happy happy, Toni. Did you have to bake your own cake? What kind was it? Linda
  18. I'm helping to keep Steve awake, too. I said I'd be there about a week ago. Guess what? I'm not even headed that direction yet. Maybe next week. Goofy Spring. Speaking of which, anyone heard from Goofy & Foofy lately? Linda
  19. Do you guys know about this site? http://hint.fm/wind/index.html Prettiest at its most hazardous. Linda Sand
  20. Minnesota is absolutely refusing to stop having winter this year. In all the years I lived there I've never seen it like this. At least, I'm looking at it from Livingston, TX; Dave is living in it. Poor guy. Good thing he can get groceries delivered. I sure would like to go home, though. LInda Sand
  21. ROFLOL! Spring is when the weather can't make up it's mind. At least that's the way it is supposed to be. Minnesota appears to have decided to just stay winter this year. So much so, that I'm almost afraid to hope for a warming trend for fear of what might come after it. Linda
  22. Still snowing in Minnesota. Glad I don't yet have to tell Rainbow's End when I'll be leaving here. Linda Sand
  23. The stay and play will still have metered electric you pay when you leave. When staying over month end you always paid at the end of the month so they could close that month's books. I suspect, but don't actually know, this will remain true. Linda
  24. They are using this park as their beta test site so parts of it are working now. I did not have to prepay for the site I moved to today, though, nor tell them how long I plan to be here. Good thing since it depends on the weather in Minnesota. The Stay and Play rate stays. With it you still get metered electric, too. That ought to make it much more popular. They would have done better to just included the electric in the regular site cost without making it a separate line item. I think $2-4 is too much for daily electric but I don't think $20 for FHU is too much so if it wasn't a line item I would not be fussing. Linda
  25. I'm at Rainbow's End learning about the new reservation system. Did you know Rainbow's End and Rainbow Oaks are two separate parks? I thought it was just the old section and the new section but they actually have different names and appear to have separate bookkeeping. I could be wrong about that but it appears that way. Linda Sand
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