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Everything posted by sandsys

  1. Bet you keep that doctor around. And that coupleonboard is now wondering about cranberry juice. Linda
  2. We also have a lot of inside jokes so you have to come to the annual gathering at Quartzsite to get the stories behind them. In the meantime the shotgun and the ice cream machine and the flux capacitor and taking a Steve will just confuse you. But so will so much else in our world. Welcome aboard. Linda Sand
  3. Carol, When recovering from the surgery just keep telling yourself you are now healing instead of deteriorating. And do the !!@#!$#% exercises. Including the straightening as well as bending. Not getting 100% straight is not good for lower backs. Once recovered life is wonderful again! Linda Sand
  4. Boy, I wish I was close enough you could feed me again. Linda
  5. Lee, Not showing up without cancelling can result in them billing you for a missed appointment. Not a good plan. I hate that they hold us but not them responsible but they have more clout than I do so I lose. I love the story of the lawyer who billed the doctor his hourly rate for the time they kept him waiting beyond his appointment time. I used to have a boss who called the office to find out how far behind her doctor was running so she would know when to go in. I had a therapist who always ran 10 minutes behind schedule; so one day I went 10 minutes late and she was on time and upset with me for being late. Some days you can't win. Linda
  6. As far as my memory works, only one couple from the class of '08 is completely off the road. Some of us are now part-timers for one reason or another. Linda Sand
  7. Good to hear. But you are headed to Montana so you will never get out of camo territory. Linda Sand
  8. Thanks all. Your kind words are helping me get through this. Linda
  9. We thought we were going to be making a run to Phoenix where my Mom has just been admitted to hospice care. But they say she probably won't last long enough for us to make the drive and her remains will be immediately shipped to a research facility in California. My brothers are there but they are not planning any kind of ceremony. So I guess we're not going after all. Mom has dementia and has not recognized me for many years; I already feel like I lost her long ago so I think I will be OK with not going now. I sure hope so. Linda
  10. It is the first holiday weekend of the season in the US for the part-timers. Here in Minnesota we are having perfect weather for it. All the more reason to stay home. Linda Sand
  11. Please, let us know as soon as you know. That coughing up blood part has me a tad more concerned than I already was. Linda Sand
  12. Love this response. Gonna try to remember it. Wish me luck with that. Linda Sand
  13. If you get near Wisconsin Dells go to Baraboo to the circus museum. Well worth a visit! Linda
  14. Well, we aren't having any s--w in our part of Minnesota but it sure would be nice if it would warm up some and stay that way! Every time we get one sort of warm and sunny day we bolt outside even if it is just to a local restaurant. I sure am looking forward to summer this year. I may pack up the RV and head out for a few days just to bask. Linda Sand
  15. Dave would be more likely to be in that tent if he'd made me go out to a mobbed restaurant full of screaming kids today. We went out yesterday instead. Linda
  16. For those of you who wonder why I can't come to every campfire and/or gathering: http://thoughtcatalog.com/kate-bartolotta/2013/10/do-you-know-what-it-means-to-be-an-introvert/ Thanks for understanding. Linda
  17. Yeah, well the town of Bettendorf is younger than I am so it was not included when the Quad Cities were named that. It's still just a kid, you know, not worthy of sitting at the table with the grownups. Linda
  18. Ok,I grew up in Illinois. I know what QC stands for. How many others here do? Linda
  19. Welcome back. I could not do seven days without connection. It amazes me now how long I fought even getting a cell phone and how connected I now need to be. Linda Sand
  20. Lee, Do you have a humidifier? That dry desert air can do a job on noses. As does our dry heated air here in winter. Dave has fewer nosebleeds when we run the humidifier. When you bleed that much do they start talking transfusion? Dave's don't get as bad as yours do. Linda
  21. Dave enjoyed the stop. I've always wanted to do a Habitat for Humanity build but I no longer have that ability. The closest I ever came was delivering lunch and afternoon snacks to a group build. I brought cheese and crackers and soft drinks for the afternoon snack and they were thrilled to have something other than the sweets most people bring. Linda
  22. Yeah, it would take a long time to burn two file boxes full. That's why we were careful not to let them build up to that point. Of course it's all a moot point for us now with Dave back in an apartment furnished with a small shredder. Much smaller shredder than we used to have now that we've done such a good job of going paperless when possible. Notice I'm pretending I don't live here even though I've been here all but two months in the last year. My dream lives on. Linda
  23. Dave said that was what campfires were for. When we no longer had a shredder he would save papers to burn at the next campfire. Of course, you only want to do a few at a time so you don't get lots of flying ash. But wadded up shredables do make good campfire starters. Linda
  24. I sent him your numbers in case he didn't have them on his phone. I have no idea what his return travel schedule will be, though. Linda
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