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About Daveh

  • Birthday 10/02/1958

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    Grand Rapids, Mi
  • Interests
    Nature, hiking, photography, history

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  1. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  2. If you are looking at KN95 or other variations note that some of those models were tested by the FDA and granted Emergency Use Authorization. Those and the South Korean variants are known to be effective. The EUA was withdrawn earlier this month because N95's are more available. These are for medical use in high risk scenarios so even the listed KN95's are going to be much better than any cloth mask or regular medical mask available. The key is to look for blown polypropylene and a good fit. Even if you can get a N95 (ebay has them also) be sure to look at 3M's website ahead of time to get an idea of the fit. I use the 9210 white colored foldable mask while my wife uses a blue one that fits her face better. Retired nurse.
  3. The Lippert Ground Control 2 has been the bane of my existence over the last 6 years. It sounds like your gear mechanism broke. That can be fixed with the repair kit. They keep getting more expensive. I think this is the part. Look a little more on etrailer or Lippert site to make sure. Stromberg and Venture make the same part and it is sometimes cheaper. Etrailer has instructions. Basically you pop the top off and the repair is done by replacing the gear components. Usually if you open it up you can see the problem. Often the drive shaft breaks or the protective drive pins snap and get caught in the gears jamming the whole thing. I have the largest Arctic Fox fifth wheel and I think it is just to big a unit for the legs. Unfortunately I have taken about 5 of these apart always at the most inconvenient time I need to make the repair. I carrythese kits now. Here Is a etrailer and a cheaper amazon one. https://www.amazon.com/Lippert-146059-Venture-Landing-Repair/dp/B00S2IBEHU/ref=asc_df_B00S2IBEHU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312111914138&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9710566557088090167&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9017654&hvtargid=pla-491212453580&psc=1 https://www.etrailer.com/Accessories-and-Parts/Lippert/LC146059.html?feed=npn&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google | Smart Shopping - Accessories and Parts - Zombie SKUs&adgroupid=78449019583&campaignid=6895757453&creative=389708278730&device=c&devicemodel=&feeditemid=&keyword=&loc_interest_ms=&loc_physical_ms=9017654&matchtype=&network=u&placement=&position=&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0emHBhC1ARIsAL1QGNeK2ZA0T1nJ8yGtimBkEj3EGJvwDGtuMx5rpgs_PzWOmsvpELm5k0QaAjJbEALw_wcB
  4. It certainly can be done. I think you will overdraw the cigarette lighter circuit and blow the fuse. The cigarette sockets usually are rated for 15 amps or less. You will be pulling about 25 amps with a much higher surge. Do you have the battery pack size to support this?
  5. Randy you must be watching Andy's videos also. What a wonderful series. A number of people on the DIY SOlar Forum have purchased Santan panels and are happy. I have not read a negative one yet.
  6. Not a plumber but the remedy would be to braze solder in an elbow. https://www.supplyhouse.com/Copper-Fittings-130000?gclid=CjwKCAjwjbCDBhAwEiwAiudBy3LX-cRC9Uw4uayeygyEsyBhx3NogwQOXB6083rnRu-XogIyzP8roRoCATcQAvD_BwE They now have quick connects for copper lines but these are being sold for HVAC. https://www.supplyhouse.com/Rectorseal-87025-3-8-PRO-Fit-Quick-Connect-90-Degree-Elbow
  7. I guess the part that threw me Kirk, other than the longevity, was the part where he had 22 cells and then reduced it to 10. That voltage doesn't make sense. Unless he was saying someone else owned this battery and he harvested the cells for that reduced price and made his own battery at the needed voltage. Then I guess I find the story believable. I know that Lithium Titanate cells also have an extremely long life but other drawbacks.
  8. No. But. https://www.powerelectronics.com/news/article/21854678/nicd-battery-still-runs-after-28-years#:~:text=company in Texas.-,The normal lifetime of a Nicd battery%2C in a typically,expectancy by more than 35%.
  9. http://bryantrv.com/docs2/docs/subntnew.pdf http://bryantrv.com/docs2/docs/SFseriesservice.pdf https://www.rvforum.net/miscfiles/Furnace_Trouble-2.pdf
  10. Right I understand. I was just agreeing with you that to compare these products you have to compare preparation and that is where the labor is.
  11. I think the is a huge factor Glenn. When I took ours in for flexarmor, the AC and all skylights came off, antenna, cargo bars etc. The drip rails came off and all other roof moulding. Then the entire surface was checked and prepared. Then the reinstallation of everything including new vent covers. It took 4 days. That would take forever trying to do yourself if even possible to do yourself. A lot of the pricing difference is in the labor.
  12. Reading this old conversation. KirkW and oldjohnt, thank you for all you do. Always informative.
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