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Service connected up grade


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I just went thru the process to get my VA Disability rating upgraded from 20% to 50 or 60%. Not sure yet but the dropped almost $3000 in our account. Went to the DAV rep at the local VA hospital and got the forms filled out. Back in Nov 23, they pay back to the date you started the process.

Learned about this at an Escapde, suggest you contact the DAV rep and talk to them. I wish I'd done it years ago.

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I would be very interested to hear about how you did this upgrade.  I'm former USAF (1975-1981) and also have a 20% disability rating.  10% each for hearing loss, too much time spent around F-4's, F-15's as well as a lot of hours riding around in the belly of C-130's, and a back injury suffered in an accident while on duty driving a government vehicle downtown in a foreign country as part of my daily duties.

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Does your county have a Veteran Service Officer?  They work for you, not the VA and should be able to assist you.  If no county service officer look up your nearest DAV and see if they can suggest an alternative.

It took me a few years of appeals to get where I am today so don't give up.


USN Retired
2012 F150 4x4

2018 Lincoln MKX

2019 HD Ultra Limited


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