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Health insurance?

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Hi all, newbies here, who are on the brink of buying a camper trailer (TrailManor). We'll be very part-time on the road - I'm retired, my wife, a nurse, is working still.  Big concern: we're both insured through her agency (excellent coverage; in-network coverage or pay out of pocket).  I'm eligible for Medicare, currently have only the required Part A (hospitalization,  but could leave her insurance and go full Medicare for nationwide coverage.  She is not yet 62, so not eligible.  What can a couple like us do for coverage away from home?  Thanks!

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Welcome. Medicare is health insurance for people 65 or older. You’re first eligible to sign up for Medicare 3 months before you turn 65. You may be eligible to get Medicare earlier if you have a disability, End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), or ALS (also called Lou Gehrig’s disease). The best place to get reliable information is from the Medicare site so just follow the link below and then come back with any further questions.

Get started with Medicare

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Welcome to the Escapees Forums! Lots of good folks willing to help here.

62 is the earliest age you can start to draw Social security. I would get them mixed up too until we both decided to draw SS early and then we knew the next milestone was 65 for Medicare. My Lynda is two years my junior.

My initial thought is to first decide if you need medical care more often than your wife because all out of pocket is expensive for even one person.

Here are some random thoughts. They may or may not be what you want.

Get the cost to you for full medicare which is deducted from Social Security for us. It could be more to pay then you realize.If no cost for her insurance then that is a no-brainer. However you will pay something for Medicare so see if it costs or not if some is taken out of her pay for your coverage. If it is a wash then you could go full medicare any time and stay there or close enough for her coverage to be in effect.I would also check with her medical coverage provider because folks are allowed vacations and emergency room treatment out of area is normally covered for us non-medical in house care folks. If emergency room visits are covered until you get back I would stay with hers as long as she wants to work. Then just stay within a day of your coverage area for the first year or until she retires too.

We are military retired so take my advice here with a grain of salt until you do your research for your providers and situation. We haven't done civilian providers or

There may be another option. I would check and see if the traveling nurse organizations also have similar insurance for their nurses or make them part of their system when she arrives.

I have no idea but it would be great if a central traveling nurse organization has something similar.

Then perhaps you could stay in an area for the required minimum of weeks/months and really explore America in detail.

My youngest son and his wife are both BSRNs and not military but they have been in Germany for several years. Both lived in Germany when her mom was USAF active and we were USAF active. They applied for and got civil service positions there and are loving it. They both did a stint in Nicaragua with doctors without borders for a few months too.

They were in Hungary last weekend and have been to just about every country in Europe, with our grandkids. My son decided to try Norwegian cuisine and flew there on a Friday alone, and flew back on Sunday and got plenty of sleep before work on Monday. They have an AuPair and get housing allowance and a great retirement too.

I am not suggesting those things just that medical personnel have some great travel opportunities with or without RVs.



Welcome again!



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