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Truck fire Ford 6.7L Diesel


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Pappy thanks for clearing that up!

Yep I have the Fireade self-refillable from Mac the Fire Guy too.



THat extinguisher has never lost an ounce of pressure over the years. I bought it in 2010 or thereabouts. I had several long calls with him to nail down what I needed. He is missed.

After my four years as a medic and three years as a Med Lab Tech, I found a better way to draw blood with no aids risk - the M-16 and the rest of our ground weapons and spent the last 20 of 27 year running the base rifle ranges and weapon repair shop. We aslso stored ammo for everything from .22 through shotgun shells, pistil, rifle, machiner gun and .50 cal sniper rifle, grenades, and shoulder fired rockets LAWs back then.   We had lots of training on extinguishers and HAZMAT too.

Since you have them do you have a source for the Fireade liquid? I'll have to find a new source for de-ionized water here since we moved. Mine is full and ready.

My wife is and ex deputy City Marshal and I also do drills once in a great while. She is also CPR certified as am I.

Thanks for the additional good info Pappy.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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RV - "FireAide" liquid:  Mac called it AFFF Plus.  I don't know what the "Plus" is - however (IMO) regular AFFF should be fine.  Suggest asking someone you come in contact with (a  Fire Dept, or a foam supplier) if they could/would sell a pint for "a good cause".  Hopefully, since AFFF (& other foams) are sold in 5 gal containers, I would hope "they" would "donate" such a small amount.  Would have been a no brainer for me - we would empty several 5gal cans during training - always a bit left when you switched from one can to another.

At one time I knew the rep for National Foam - but that was a looong time ago.  Len Slade would put on classes (which were also a pitch for the products he supplied) anytime.  I chuckle to think of one of his examples of types of Fire Fighting Foams.  He would pour a bit of Protein Foam in a cup....and take a drink!!

Briefly,  I was one of the Training Officers for the FD - and "took over" his presentations (minus the "drink"), as it was a subject I enjoyed - as well as putting on a demo with AFFF on a derelict tanker we had on the drill ground.  (At one time the "powers that be" were irritated due to the amt of AFFF concentrate I used via a 500gpm foam deck mount nozzle.  That triple combo pumper (AKA "The Water Buffalo") had a 2500 gal water tank and a 50 gal AFFF tank - lots of suds when you're having fun!

Which reminds me.....that was prior to the tanker doubles -  when the overflow on the one being filled, failed.  The FD engine with that deck monitor responded from about a 1/4 mile away.  They put it in service just *before* one of the tanks failed (BLEVE) with huge fireball.  The F/F "up top" on the deck said he left "claw marks" in the diamond plate when it let go!  But - it extinguished the fire, (so much for the "powers that be"!!) - sadly, had the driver shut his diesel engine off while filling, he would have lived to see another day!  (another ex of "Murphy's Law")


***  FYI   EDIT:  Although a small amount of AFFF in a water extinguisher may *not* meet this criteria.... A bit of research indicates AFFF or AR-AFFF, which contains PFAS (Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances) may be hazardous to your health!  Numerous cancer lawsuits regarding same.  Use for various large scale firefighting use being  banned. 

Google: Firefighting Foam and PFAS, Class B firefighting foam, (etc.).  There are alternates (to AFFF) which do not contain "fluoro" chemicals (fluorinated surfactants).

Ex:  see "GFFF" as an alternate to AFFF - GFFF - see Class B Foam

Unfortunately it may be impossible to find a supplier to sell a small quantity of a suitable product for a "DIY" water extinguisher like those previously sold by Mac.




Edited by Pappy Yokum
AFFF caution/s & details added
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