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Bit off WAY more than we can chew


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Hello All!

My husband and I purchased a fifth wheel -- 2008 Keystone 289BHS --- to remodel back in April.
Evidently, we are a little in over our heads.
I am throwing a bone in hopes someone on here is in our area (Southwest Ohio) and would be willing to help teach us a few things and perhaps even help us with a few of the things we are wanting to do (ie; remove the toilet, replace with new one, remove the sink vanity in neck and cap the line, etc.) with compensation of course!
Really crossing my fingers that there is an angel waiting to help us out there.
Many thanks in advance !!


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Rather than handyman try an RV Mobile Repair Service. Call you local campground and ask them if they have any to recommend.

This is almost winter so they may have time on their hands.

The two items you mentioned are not difficult to do as an FYI. If you post your list and your problems in doing each someone here would probably be able to help you via the forum.

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10 minutes ago, SWharton said:

Rather than handyman try an RV Mobile Repair Service. Call you local campground and ask them if they have any to recommend.

If they don't suggest someone, ask about a moble tech at the place where you bought the new toilet or at any local RV dealer/supply store.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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I'd be happy to help but I am a bit far away in Florida. Check with Homedepot or Lowes they maintain lists of people looking for handyman jobs. I believe there is also an online service that you may find with a little google work.

Replacing a toilet is really no big deal tho.  A couple of bolts. I wonder since you live in the restrictive part of the country, could there be laws limiting what a non certified worker (plumbing in this case) can do? Maybe that's why you cannot find one.

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Try your local RV dealer, not for the work, but one of there mechanics might like some after hours work. Also try looking for tiny house builders in your area they may have advice. Another place might be community college or the high school tech center. If they dont want to help themselves perhaps a student or graduate might. Also the senior center, 100s of years of experience to tap there. Also try the local camp grounds espesialy one with long term campers. There's usaly 1 or more Jack of all trades there or they know someone. 

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