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Volvo battery box question.


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So I'm attempting to reinstall a recently repaired battery box on my 1997 wia 64.  The box got busted up and tore from it's attachment points just aft of my left fuel tank.... won't get into the particulars of how... but now have the holes in the box patched and my question is what is the proper way to put the box back on using the rubber mounts and bolts.  I have 2 rubber pieces per bolt.  Does the rubber go between the frame and the box and the other rubber go on the inside of the box so that you have a frame, then a rubber, then the box then another rubber inside the box.  I know.....it sounds simple right but I'm over thinking this and now I'm all confused as to the sequence of putting the new hardware on.  Anyone care to take a shot on telling me how to get this done right???

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