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From RV to Park Model


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I have some questions you might help me with. We won't be able to RV forever so checking into park model living. Cal Am parks have great amenities but I'm a bit fearful of the corporation after checking with BBB and online reviews.  Here are some of my questions...

1.  Does the buyer have any control on future costs such as rent and fee increases and taxes, Or does the corporation have full control of increases without checks or limits? 

2. If costs were raised to where my fixed income could not manage it and my park model would not sell, what are my options? Can the corporation take possession of my park model if I get being on payments? 

3. How would I sell my park model in a saturated market, with high rent and fees? 

4. It is true that for every $100rise in rent my park model would decrease in value by $10,000 As per bankrate.com ?

5. Do these resort parks have home owner associations (ie an organized residents voice for input or complaints to management and head office? ) ?

6. How do I know what I am buying today (not the park model, but the amenities) will be available in the future? 

Thanks for any answers from your knowledge or experience!

Nervous Nelly.


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13 hours ago, Barbaraok said:

We bought a park model in Val Vista in 2014.  We spend the winter here and the summer in the RV seeing the country.  What is it you want to know?

How much were your rent payments and fees for sewer trash and water in 2014? How much were they in 2017? 

Does your park have a home owner's association? 




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