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how hard is it to get a Drivers license in Texas for a full Time Rver

keep on movin

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Along the same line, I am a Texas resident already. I am researching full-time RVing right now. Getting all my ducks in a row, so to speak. I have to have something by the end of April this year. I know I have to change my address and will likely go with Escapees to set up a Texas address. Is there anything more that I have to do? Do I tell my insurance agency that I am full-timing it? Are rates different if you are full-timing?

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2 hours ago, MobileMel said:

Do I tell my insurance agency that I am full-timing it? Are rates different if you are full-timing?

Welcome to the forums! As Barb said, be sure to tell your insurance and especially that for the RV. Not all insurance companies provide full-time RV living coverage so you may want to check with one of these agencies that specialize in such coverages.

Miller Insurance        AIS recreation insurance    Explorer Insurnace       RV Advantage 

Fulltimer RV coverage has features much like a home owner's insurance does for a house.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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