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Several Texas State Parks upgrade to 50amp


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Got an e-mail this morning that several of the Texas State Parks have up-graded to 50 amp service so I thought I would pass it along if anybody is looking for a place to winter and needs the 50 amp service. We are big fans of the Texas State Park system and have volunteered at several.

If you are looking for a place to volunteer we would highly recommend the Texas Sate Park system. We have always found the staff to be extremely grateful for the volunteers and fun to work with. Along with the 50 amp upgrades I know that the State Park in Livingston spent several million dollars repairing sites and roads in their park. Here is a list of the ones that have upgraded their service:


  1. Davis Mountains
  2. Lake Livingston
  3. Lake Whitney 
  4. Ft. Richardson
  5. Abilene

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