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Control valve - propane tanks

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Going to replace my control valve that separates the gas flow between my two tanks.  Is there one "best" manufacturer that I should use?

2012 F350 KR CC DRW w/ some stuff
2019 Arctic Fox 32-5M
Cindy and Tom, Kasey and Maggie (our Newfie and Berner)
Oh...I forgot the five kids.


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I think you will find most of them are made by Marshall Brass. I've never seen a real difference in any of them. Some have big knobs, some have a small lever. If automatic which I imagine that is what you are looking for, they will all have a sight glass that shows red when the tank that the arrow is pointing towards is empty.

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FWIW I, same as above, think all my LP Gas valves, selector valves and regulators were Marshall Brass. I had an auto changeover valve on my main and aux tanks that switched over to the full tank if the other was empty and it never failed plus had the red n green indicator so I knew which tank was in use.

John T

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