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Replacing wiper blades


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Hi Everyone,

I am trying to remove the wiper blade from a Volvo 630 with no luck. What is the secret ? I did a search here with no luck. There must be a little trick that I am not doing. I am hoping to leave in the morning for the ECR. I have seen the weather forecast and it looks like I could run into rain.


2012 Volvo VNL 630 w/ I-Shift; D13 engine; " Veeger "
  Redwood, model 3401R ; 5th Wheel Trailer, " Dead Wood "
    2006 Smart Car " Killer Frog "


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19 minutes ago, MrSeas said:

This is for a Honda but its the same type of wiper arm we have on our trucks...



Hi MrSeas,

Thank you for the help. It took about 5 minutes to do both sides. The problem was take the tab was broken off. I used a small screw driver to help where the tab was. The video was a help.

Thank you again,

2012 Volvo VNL 630 w/ I-Shift; D13 engine; " Veeger "
  Redwood, model 3401R ; 5th Wheel Trailer, " Dead Wood "
    2006 Smart Car " Killer Frog "


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