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Is Texas the best place to buy a used Motorhome?


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We are coming over from Melbourne Australia to buy a Motorhome and tour America. Not being familiar with the laws and taxes in America, can anyone offer advice as to the best ( and cheapest) way to buy the Motorhome considering we don't have a permanent address in USA,


We have heard that Texas is RV friendly.


Registration, sales tax, insurance, other on road costs??? Any other advice certainly would be appreciated

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Welcome to the Escapee forums! We are happy to have you join us and I do hope that you will consider becoming a member of the Escapees RV Club, like several other citizens of Australia have already done. I would also invite you to start your planning by taking the time to read this article which was written by one of our Australian members who has RVed in the US for many years.


Feel free to join in or to ask questions at any time and on any of our forums. We are happy to have you join us here!

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Welcome to the forum. RVing the USA is an adventure not to be missed. We are Australians who started over here way back in 1982. Purchased our first motorhome in the USA in 1996 after many trips to the USA. In 2013 we sold our last motorhome and now tour the USA in our pickup staying hotels. The method of travel may have changed but the adventure continues. (Currently hold up in NE Utah watching snow flakes fall!!!).


First advise would be to join Escapees and get an address. (Join their mail service). You need an address in the USA for almost everything to it's key. There are long debates re which is the 'best' state but Texas is, IMHO, as good as it gets for non US folk.


There are many questions. I suggest you PM me and I can answer specific question directly.


Good luck. It's the start of a great adventure.



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