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How can you tell if your being throttled? Verizon?

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I've noticed a dramatic reduction in data speed. Yet my signal seems to be good. It is a 'new billing month' for me with Verizon, and I noticed that last month I just edged over 60, at 60.88xxGB of data for last month.


Today, we're getting very slow data speeds, even though the signal appears to be the same. We came to Yuma for Feb/March, so have been streaming more then normal. Download speeds the last time I tested, were in the 14.5 or so range for download rates. Today Speednet is 'timing out' before completing a test. And was clocking .37-.42 before it finally choked.


I've rebooted the phone, and the two different laptops involved. No change.


I've looked for Google searches on 'Yuma Verizon problems' - 'Yuma Verizon data speed' - 'Yuma Verizon slow' - etc., using a filter of the last 24 hours, and nothing seems to pop up as a problem.


Now, I did note that House Of Cards has started for 2016... Is it possible that that many Snowbirds are overpowering the tower? We're talking streaming a movie last night, to 60 second response Google searches today, difference in speed.


So, if I've crossed over a boundary with Verizon, how would I know?




Be safe, have fun,


04 CC Allure "RooII" - Our "E" ride for life!

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Smiity, while it may be possible you are being throttled, please keep in mind your bandwidth is only as good as the bandwidth that is available to the tower. For instance, if the tower has a capacity of 50m backhaul from the cell tower to their switching center, and you only have 10 cell phone users sharing the bandwidth it might not be too bad. But if you have 500 snowbirds descend upon the same tower all at once trying to share that same bandwidth then your service is going to get very undesirable in a hurry.

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Just talked to a neighbor. He said an accident had impacted a tower close by, and that he was told things would be repaired and back to normal between 24-48 hours.


So I'll be patient and check things off and on today.


Good to know that Verizon does not throttle, and understand about tower traffic and good signals still having to contend with the ability and capacity of the area tower.




Be safe, have fun,


04 CC Allure "RooII" - Our "E" ride for life!

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Not all towers have the same Mpbs downloads.

On Sprint my nearest tower only gives me 5Mpbs and one 8 miles away where I do laundry. Gives me 44Mpbs while there.

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Well now, a different story from a group shooting the breeze at an auto show in Yuma. One via ATT, several others on Verizon, and one T Mobile. They all reported very sluggish internet speeds, to being almost non existent at times. Five of them said they were trying to stream House of Cards, and only one said he could get it to stream for about 12 minutes, before it hung on them too.


So, regardless of what my one neighbor said. I suspect the few thousand RV'ers here in Yuma, overwhelmed the towers with streaming demands:)!


It will be interesting to see the numbers that Netflix reports next week. Sign of the times I suppose:)!




(And note, my neighbor walked over as I pulled in. And said that Centurylink was up and running again. He lives in a Sticks & Bricks home, and assumed when I asked about if he was seeing slow Internet speeds, that I was referring to Centurylink account. Suppose if others were out, many of their customer based may have reverted to their Cellular coverage for awhile too.)

Be safe, have fun,


04 CC Allure "RooII" - Our "E" ride for life!

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