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Place For the Weekend

Alie&Jim's Carrilite

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I like mardi gras but I can not emphasis enough to be careful, aware and observant. Pick pockets abound. The only place in the world I have ever had my pocket picked. They did not get my regular wallet but still got away with almost $200. not all in the wallet. The one they got was in the left front pocket with a decent size carrying case hanging over it. I knew it had happened in less than a minute but did not know who did it. About 10 minutes later I was threatened with a knife when I stopped a guy from getting in front of me in line to the toilet. All my other visits were less troublesome except for getting parking ticket for being one foot over the line in a handicap paralell parking spot for which I had a placard at the time. I couldn't pay it fast enough to suit myself. I would still go back.

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