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The first day of a completely new year...................

Kirk W

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Today I read Kay Peterson's column from the Jan. 2016 Escapee magazine. It is a reprint of one that she wrote for Jan/Feb issue, 1992 but the words she wrote as as important today as they have ever been.

To simply stay with one achievement, however great it is, would be cheating ourselves of new life adventures. Happiness is in climbing challenging peaks and descending into peaceful valleys.

Let each one of us move into the new year with excitement and anticipation, ever looking forward and making new memories and experiences. Let us not waste one moment in looking backward with regrets for what might have been, but move ever forward chasing our dreams.


Above all, never stop dreaming!

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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