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How life in a caravan....

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Enjoyed the article. Thanks for sharing.


We were in Sparks, NV last month and met a woman on your maiden voyage. She had recently retired from teaching school and wanted to do something different. She shopped for a RV on her own found a class C she felt comfortable in, rented out her house then told her friends. They couldn't believe should would do this. She said ignorance is bliss because if she knew what all was involved in her first day of setting up she may not have taken the leap but she was delighted with how friendly and helpful everyone was. She even carried a notepad around on her morning walks around the park to take notes. I gave her our last two issues of the Escapees Magazine and told her to check out this forum.


We started fulltiming in our 40's and glad we did because 11 years later heath issues required we go part time. We don't go as far as we use to but we still go and look forward to the variety on the road.

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