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Microsoft's Patch Tuesday updates block a pair of high-profile exploits


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Better get to a fast connection for this one, My tablets had 47 Patches give or take each. MY desktops and one hybrid laptop had between 27 and 47 patches each. Windows 7 computers had the least but would fail in the middle after installing about half of them, then after a reboot continue with the rest just fine or with one more reboot. All of my systems had another important update when I thought all were done. These only showed up after the reboot of the first batch or two. ( I always check for updates after each reboot until it shows none after the last install/restart.)


All installed fine eventually after several groups in two of my systems, one a Windows 8.1 tablet and the other a Windows 7 Lenovo Desktop. All seem to be fine after the updates. My Venue 11 has been replaced by the ASUS TA200 t I just traded my HPx2 for last week. So rather than update it, I factory restored it and am sending it back to Dell for a new motherboard tomorrow.


This month's Patch Tuesday includes a dozen updates for Windows, including two fixes for vulnerabilities that have been publicly disclosed. In addition to five Critical updates, today's list includes fixes for the cross-platform FREAK flaw.




"This month's Patch Tuesday is one of the biggest in recent memory, with 14 separate updates going out via Microsoft's update channels. All but two of the updates are for Windows.


Five updates (four for Windows and one for Office) are rated Critical. The remaining nine are rated Important, all for Windows except for a lone Exchange Server patch.


Two of the fixes are for vulnerabilities that have already been publicly disclosed. The good news for Microsoft's Security Response team is that they've cleared all open issues from the Google Project Zero list.


Here's what's in this month's supersize collection."


For the details on the patches go to the full article here: http://www.zdnet.com/article/march-2015-patch-Tuesday/


http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Thanks, because of my limited data internet, I will have to wait until the end of the month to do the update to see if I have enough data saved to do the update.


As an aside, Apple released ios 8.2 for the Watch and other issues. Unfortunately it is a complete update of 1.8 gigs. With Apple's nasty habit of doing the update whether you want it or not, I will have to keep the wifi turned off my Ipad whenever I need to recharge the Ipad: I hope I remember. If you didn't know, it is because Apple will do the update when those 2 things are active and bang, there goes almost 2 gigs of my limited data. .

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Thanks for the update. I have two Win 8.1, a Win 7 laptop, and a couple of tables to keep me busy with updates for awhile. :)

Jeff & Laurie

South Texas

Hounds: Auggie (beer drinking English Cocker Spaniel)

Angus (five pounds of bad azz chihuahua)

Homebase: 2015 Heartland 365 Key West -- The "Uno Mas"

The Office: 2016 Crossroads Hill Country 26RB

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I have MSOffice 2010 Home and Business on all three of my desktops and the three tablets, and about 20 more Apps on the start page and pinned to the desktop, which makes for more updates than for the folks with no other MS programs on their systems. I did get a kick out of doing my new hybrid tablet's updates ( ASUS T200 )done in 1/4 the time by connecting an Ethernet to the base which has the flip down Gigabit Ethernet Port.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I had a total of 230 GB + for each tablet. We also have Office 2010 on both so this adds to the total download. Once done I did not have any others show up. I have already made my new image for my tablet. Will do so for my DW sometime today.

GS Lifetime #822128658, FMCA #F431170


2012 Airstream Mercedes Interstate Extended Class B

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From Ed Bott on ZD net today:


What was in this month's super-sized batch of Windows and Office updates?


No, it wasn't just you. This month's Patch Tuesday updates from Microsoft contained an epic number of updates. Here's what was included.






This week's Patch Tuesday release from Microsoft was epic.


The list of 14 security-related updates was far more than normal, but that was just the appetizer. There were more than a dozen non-security-related updates for Windows 8.1 (these appear in Windows Update under the Recommended heading), and this month's batch of Microsoft Office updates, which are also released on Patch Tuesday, included another long list.


Between Windows and Office, that's an awful lot of updates. A colleague sent me a screenshot that showed 50 updates installed on Patch Tuesday for a system with Windows 8.1 and the perpetual license version of Office 2013 installed.


If you have an Office 365 subscription, updates arrive via the Click-to-Run installer and are much less intrusive. But even with Office out of the picture that was a lot of updates.


And no, that's not normal.


For comparison's sake, I checked a Surface Pro 3 that has been running Windows 8.1 and Office 365 since last September. Here's how many updates it received in each of the past six months."


To see those charts and get the details of the important updates we just got go to the full article here: http://www.zdnet.com/article/what-was-in-this-months-super-sized-batch-of-windows-and-office-updates/?tag=nl.e539&s_cid=e539&ttag=e539&ftag=TRE17cfd61




http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I have only one of my three desktops and three tablets on WiFi with no issues. If you are talking about an aircard or other adapter I'd go to the Internet and ask as it may just be a driver issue. Good luck!

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Are any of these updates a part of or a path to Win 10? I had read somewhere that since they were doing both versions that they may do a slow upgrade. Thanks!


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Not that I know of.



That is strange. Maybe one or more were corrupted during download? I would pursue the why with HP or searches for those with the some issues. Otherwise you will not be able to do further updates for security.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I do not believe the updates are a precursor to Win 10. You will have a choice when Win 10 is released, but it is reported it will be a free upgrade for Win 7 and Win 8 or Win 8.1 users.

GS Lifetime #822128658, FMCA #F431170


2012 Airstream Mercedes Interstate Extended Class B

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When I upgraded my three tablets and the all in one free from 8.0 to 8.1 it required that all updates be installed for both the 8.0 operating system and Apps before the 8.1 update would install. But of course that doesn't mean they will again. They will again have the compatibility test for hardware and software. And they are talking compressing Windows and changing the partition and storage/refresh/recovery system completely.


They will be streamlining Windows and compressing it, and putting it in the same partition as the recovery system. They are going to reduce the footprint of Windows gaining back from both compression and eliminating the extra partition anywhere from 4-16GB of space. On a small Windows tablet that doubles to triples the available spacecraft on small 32GB tablets.


They are also making it easier to make and restore system images.


As well they will be using new security multiple bio and manual security services to reduce or eliminate dependence on passwords. They re going to let u have one Windows account on one device to "vouch" for us so we can use trusted devices in new ways to enhance physical security and may be doing that across the board.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I'm still having problems getting one of the 52 meg updates to install. Gets to about 95 percent and never completes. When I shutdown my computer at the end of the day, it seems to install it before shutting down but when I check the Windows Update the next morning, it still shows the same 52 meg update needing to be installed.

The "work around" for this has me editing text through the Command Prompt function which weirds me out. I am totally uncomfortable modifying program text.

Jeff & Laurie

South Texas

Hounds: Auggie (beer drinking English Cocker Spaniel)

Angus (five pounds of bad azz chihuahua)

Homebase: 2015 Heartland 365 Key West -- The "Uno Mas"

The Office: 2016 Crossroads Hill Country 26RB

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Use CCleaner free. Start with Registry Cleaner within CCLeaner and "Fix" all issues found then do save the old registry which it will ask, don't fret over the location it saves as a file which shows up at the bottom of your "Documents" folder, along with all the other single files not in a folder. If you ever want or need to reverse a registry change you just go to the latest one, they look like this " cc_20150316_170918" and double click that latest one and it undoes any changes that you made. I have had no issues with using the registry cleaner in CCleaner for years but I only use it after the monthly Windows updates. I do a CCleaner "Clean after every online session so the cleaner part runs in seconds. If I wait for a month between cleanings with "Cleaner" it takes a lot longer so daily cleanings and monthly registry cleanings to clean out the leftover registry entries to old pointers is all I do. It is advised not to clean the registry daily as it really is not needed. Your computer can and does run with lots of registry gunk fine. But once a month keeps the registry tuned fine after Updates are done.


It may clean out that registry key or not but is an excellent go to "safe" tool to use when you run into these. If you are new to CCleaner also be advised to not do any of the items to clean listed below advanced as they will change things most folks new to it don't know how to change back. I do clean daily with the default settings and once a month, after the Windows updates are done, and I first do the registry cleaning, before I do the Cleaner I do check to remove old prefetch data. It clears out old start up commands that are rebuilt the next reboot. I usually do the final clean with prefetch checked, then uncheck it, and reboot once so that it takes that extra couple of seconds rebuilding the prefetch file and then it will boot normally or a little faster if that was the first time ever doing that.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Thanks for sharing information on this critical update path for many of us. My wife and I have the exact same Lenovo Computer running Win 8.1. Mine will have updates almost every day. Hers may have an updates once or twice a week. Who knows WHY? But they both run good.


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YW Stardreamers.us!

Windows updates only updates MS products like Office and Flash in Windows 8 and 8.1 which embeds Flash. Some drivers too. But for example I have tablets with the free Office and only Outlook added from the license assigned to that computer. One tablet has my entire installation of Office 2010 as it did not come with free home and student which lacks Outlook like my Office 2010 Home and Business does have. So naturally they will have different updates found for them, and more or less updates applied.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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