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Military Report Week of March 02, 2015


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Print & Post: Week of March 02, 2015



Navy Realigns Education Program


The Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) has administratively realigned the Navy's Voluntary Education (VOLED) program under the Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC). The move is administrative and will have zero impact on the purpose, mission or abilities of VOLED. Each of the 33 Navy College Offices worldwide and the Virtual Education Center (VEC) will remain unchanged; they will retain the same physical locations, the same telephone numbers, the same email addresses. VOLED will continue to support Sailors with assistance and counseling to help them develop tailored plans to meet their educational and credentialing goals. For more information on Navy Voluntary Education, visit the (https://www.navycollege.navy.mil) Navy College Program website.

For more on military education benefits, visit the (http://www.military.com/education) Military.com Education section.


Legion: Choice Card No Substitute for Veterans Hospitals Long Term


The country's largest veterans' service organization told Congress last week that it supports giving veterans access to private sector care when necessary, but will not accept any move to privatize Veterans Affairs Department healthcare. "The American Legion applauded emergency legislation to allow veteran patients to use non-VA providers if they were waiting a month or longer to see a doctor or if they lived far from VA facilities," Legion National Commander Michael Helm said. "But let me be clear ... We oppose privatization or vouchering out of VA care as a long-term solution." A program established last year created a veterans (http://militaryadvantage.military.com/2014/07/how-choice-card-and-15-billion-will-help-vets-get-care/) Choice Card, enabling veterans facing long appointment wait times, or those who live far from a VA hospital or clinic to go to a private provider. For more details, see (http://www.military.com/daily-news/2015/02/26/legion-choice-card-no-substitute-for-veterans-hospitals.html) this Military.com article and (http://www.military.com/daily-news/2015/02/26/mcdonald-tells-congress-va-will-not-completely-privatize-health.html) VA Secretary's Bob McDonald's response.


Survey: "How do veterans learn online?"


Online learning classes, courses, certifications and training are everywhere. With online learning veteran entrepreneurs can get a lot of great information not otherwise available. But not everyone prefers to learn the same way. In less time than it takes pop some popcorn, veterans can complete a short survey to help (http://vetlaunched.com/) VetLaunched provide veterans with information to help veterans launch their own small business. Veteran owned businesses and organizations worked together to put this survey together in an effort to better understand how veterans view online learning. (http://vetlaunched.com/) VetLaunched is asking veterans to (http://eSurv.org/online-survey.php?survey_ID=LHKLON_72cbecf9) take a short survey and automatically be entered to win a free survival bracelet from OscarMike.org!


Aid for Sailors and Marines


The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society (NMCRS) provides financial assistance and education, as well as other programs and services, to members of the United States Navy and Marine Corps, their eligible family members, widows, and survivors. NMCRS also provides interest-free loans and grants, budget and financial counseling, education scholarships and even free in-home visits by registered nurses. NMCRS receives and manages donated funds to administer these programs and services. For more information, visit the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society website at (http://www.nmcrs.org/) www.nmcrs.org.

For more veteran and family support resources, see (http://www.military.com/spouse/military-life/military-resources/family-support-services.html) this Military.com Spouse Channel article.


AF Seeks Nominees for DARPA Fellowship


Commander-endorsed nomination packages for Air Force officers interested in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) fiscal year 2016 Service Chiefs Fellows Program are due to the Air Force Personnel Center March 16. Nominees must be active duty major-selects, majors, lieutenant colonel-selects or lieutenant colonels who have a minimum secret security clearance and who are considered highly competitive for promotion to the next grade. Program participants provide input into technology development efforts during the program, and continue to serve as liaisons between DARPA and their branch of service after completion. DARPA funds all temporary duty travel, lodging, and per diem during the program. For more information about Air Force personnel programs, visit the (https://gum-crm.csd.disa.mil/app/login/redirect/home) myPers website.

For more Air Force news updates, visit the (http://www.military.com/daily-news) Military.com News Center.


DoD Rolls Back Leave Carry-over Policy


Military service members' February leave and earning statement (LES) will carry a reminder that as of Oct. 1, any accrued leave more than 60 days will be lost. Servicemembers' LES may have an incorrect use/lose leave balance. Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) is reprogramming pay systems to account for the return to the 60 day leave carryover by the June 2015 LES. Sailors should check their LES and talk with their Command Pass Coordinator (CPC) for help understanding their correct use/lose balance. There are some specific exceptions. Commands with questions on leave policies should contact their local Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) or call the NPC Customer Service Center at 1-866-U-ASK-NPC (1-866-827-5672).

For more on military leave, visit the (http://www.military.com/benefits/military-pay/military-authorized-leave.html) Military.com Benefits Center.


Translators Wanted in the Army


In 2003, the Department of the Army directed the creation of the Military Occupational Specialty translator and interpreter, which is designated as 09L. A professional translator must have a comprehensive understanding of cultural backgrounds, languages, and motivations of both parties for whom they are translating. As of 2015, less than 50% of the available Translator and Interpreter Companies (TICO) language capabilities are being utilized. Also, training and career development for these Soldiers is spread across many different agencies and there is little interagency coordinating between these parties. For more information, visit the (http://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/browse-career-and-job-categories/intelligence-and-combat-support/interpreter-translator.html) GoArmy.com website.


For more about military career opportunities, visit (http://www.military.com/join-armed-forces) Military.com's Joining the Military section.


Oscar for 'Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1'


Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert A. McDonald recently issued a statement on the Oscar win for the HBO documentary 'Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1,' which highlights the life-saving work of the Veterans Crisis Line. The statement is available on the VA website at (http://www.va.gov/opa/pressrel/pressrelease.cfm?id=2679) www.va.gov/opa/pressrel/pressrelease.cfm?id=2679. For more information on the Veterans Crisis Line, visit the Veterans Crisis Line website at (http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/) www.veteranscrisisline.net. If you are in crisis, or know someone who is, call the Veterans Crisis Line toll-free at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. If you are deaf or hard of hearing, call TTY toll-free 1-800-799-4889. Or chat online at (http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/ChatTermsOfService.aspx) www.veteranscrisisline.net/ChatTermsOfService.aspx, or send a text message to 838255. Confidential support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

For more details on the film 'Crisis Hotline,' see this (http://www.military.com/daily-news/2015/02/23/veterans-crisis-line-wins-oscar.html) Military.com news article.


Be Sure to Vote


A first step in completing the voting process is visiting the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website at (http://www.fvap.gov/) www.fvap.gov. Here, service members can click on their state or territory to get detailed information about registration guidelines and local elections. Those wishing to vote absentee should complete an electronic Federal Post Card Applications (FPCA) early in 2015. The FPCA is a registration form, a request for a ballot, and the preferred way to update your address. Filling out and returning the FPCA updates local election officials on a member's absentee status, and it is especially important if service members and spouses have changed duty stations. For more information, contact your voting assistance officer.

To keep up with legislation that affects the military and veterans, visit the (http://www.capwiz.com/military) Military.com Legislative Center.


Women Leadership Symposium in March


The annual AcademyWomen Officer Women Leadership Symposium (OWLS) will be held March 6-7 at the Women In Military Service for America (WIMSA) Memorial, Arlington, Virginia. While all service members are eligible, ideal candidates for the symposium include outstanding officers, midshipmen, and senior enlisted, who are at a career decision point. To obtain a conference registration reservation, contact Lt. Tawney Nakamura at (703) 604-5077 or (mailto:tawney.nakamura@navy.mil) tawney.nakamura@navy.mil. Registrants must be from the local National Capital Region. Individual commands are not authorized to expend travel funds. For more information, visit the AcademyWomen website at (http://academywomen.org/events/home.php/) http://academywomen.org/events/home.php/.

For more veteran job tips, job postings and transition advice, visit the (http://www.military.com/veteran-jobs) Military.com Veteran Jobs Center.


MIA Airmen from WWII Identified


The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) has announced that the remains of U.S. servicemen missing in action from World War II, have been accounted for and are being returned to their families for burial with full military honors. A list of the airmen accounted for is available on the (http://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/570804/airmen-missing-from-wwii-accounted-for.aspx) U.S. Air Force website. For more information on the Department of Defense's mission to account for missing Americans, who went missing while serving our country, visit the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency website at (http://www.dpaa.mil) www.dpaa.mil or call 703-699-1169.

For more military news updates, visit the (http://www.military.com/daily-news) Military.com News Center.


NYC Vet Resource Event


The Legion has announced their participation in the inaugural NYC Veteran Resource event that will take place on March 5th 2015. The list of event partners is wide and diverse to ensure there will be resources for all veterans during the event. The most important reason for this free event is to provide veterans with great support and resources. We encourage vets to forward this message to other veterans in the NYC area to ensure maximum participation in this exciting event. (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nyc-veteran-business-workshopnetworkingresource-event-tickets-15490500504) Veterans can register online.


Help Fund Desert Storm Memorial


The organization developing a memorial honoring veterans of Operation Desert Storm is holding a fundraiser with 100 percent of proceeds going to the project. Three different T-shirts, all commemorating the 24th anniversary of the Persian Gulf War, are available for $20 each plus shipping. Orders must be placed by March 15; the shirts will begin shipping March 20. Purchase a shirt at (http://design.goteez.com/desert_storm/) design.goteez.com/desert_storm/. For more information, visit the National Desert Storm War Memorial website at (http://www.nationaldesertstormwarmemorial.org/) www.nationaldesertstormwarmemorial.org.

For more military news updates, visit the (http://www.military.com/daily-news) Military.com News Center.


Vote for the Military Spouse of the Year


Each year military spouses from around the country are nominated to be honored with Armed Forces Insurance's Military Spouse of the Year title. There are base-level nominations, online popularity votes, a duo of panels that weighs in and five spouses who take home the honor for their specific branch. To cast your vote and for more details, see (http://spousebuzz.com/blog/2015/03/final-vote-opens-2015-afi-military-spouse-year.html) this Spousebuzz post.


Bill Offers Military Spouses Tax Credit for Professional Licenses


A bill making its way through the Senate looks to offer a tax credit to military spouses who renew or transfer a professional license after an interstate military move. The legislation, introduced in late January, would give qualifying spouses up to $500 in tax credit after a permanent change of station (PCS) move. For more details, see (http://www.military.com/daily-news/2015/02/26/bill-would-give-military-spouses-tax-credit-for-pro-licences.html) this Military.com article.


AF Teams with Crimes Against Children Task Force


Online exploitation of children continues to be a problem and is routinely investigated by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). AFOSI field units have partnered with Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task forces throughout the United States, especially where a task force is located in the vicinity of an Air Force base. The ICAC program was developed in response to the increasing number of children and teenagers using the Internet and other technology, the proliferation of child sexual abuse images available electronically, and the heightened online activity by predators seeking unsupervised contact with potential underage victims. If you believe your child might be a victim of online sexual exploitation, contact OSI or Security Forces immediately. AFOSI units are located at most Air Force bases worldwide. Call toll free 1-877-246-1453 to obtain the phone number of the OSI unit nearest you.

For more veteran and family support resources, see (http://www.military.com/spouse/military-life/military-resources/family-support-services.html) this Military.com Spouse Channel article.


Exchanges Award Prizes


Three young scholars have learned that good grades can pay off in a big way thanks to the Army & Air Force Exchange Service's You Made the Grade program. Through the program, first- through 12th-graders with a B average or higher are eligible to receive a coupon book filled with Exchange discounts and a sweepstakes entry form for a shot at a $2,000, $1,500 or $500 prize. Drawings are typically held in June and December. For more information, contact your local Exchange.

For more discounts and shopping tips for military families, visit the (http://www.military.com/discounts/) Military.com Discount Center.


Improving Army Marksmanship


The U.S. Army's Master Marksmanship Training Course (MMTC) is a five-week effort intended to provide NCOs with the knowledge and skill sets necessary to return to their units ready to teach and certify Soldiers in marksmanship. The course is overseen by the Army Marksmanship Unit, with a transfer to the 316th Cavalry Brigade planned for either later this year or in 2016. The course is comprised of four levels -- basic rifle marksmanship, short-range marksmanship, mid-range marksmanship and master trainer. Students in the course become instructors and teach each other so they can go back to their units and instruct their units on how to run a basic rifle marksmanship (BRM) course and how to apply the fundamentals of marksmanship properly. For more information, visit the (http://www.benning.army.mil/mcoe/maneuverconference/ReadAhead/Marksmanship/RMIC Day 1 v3.pdf) Fort Benning website.


Protecting Your Child Online


Here are several tips to ensure your child does not fall victim to online sexual exploitation: (1) pay attention to your child's online activity; (2) periodically review your child's computer or media devices for sexually graphic material; (3) take notice of any unusual phone calls to your child; (4) be mindful of any packages or mail to your child from a stranger; (5) watch to see if your child is using another person's login account, and (6) utilize parental controls provided by service providers. Educate your child on the dangers. Make sure your child never meets anyone they met online nor should they give out any personal information without discussing with you first. Keep computers in a common room with the monitor openly visible so you can observe activities. Resources for protecting your child can be found at the website for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) (http://www.missingkids.com/home) www.missingkids.com/home.

For more veteran and family support resources, see (http://www.military.com/spouse/military-life/military-resources/family-support-services.html) this Military.com Spouse Channel article.


A Look at the All-Volunteer Force


A new "Population Representation" report on the U.S. military affirms that the four-decade-old volunteer force is a healthy cross-section of America, if just a little smarter, a little better educated and with a deeper southern drawl than the nation as a whole. The percentage of female enlisted members has declined slightly and the racial, ethnic and socioeconomic mix is not too different from America itself. However, the study found that black service members are underrepresented among junior enlisted pay grades (relative to whites) but overrepresented in the senior pay grades.

(http://militaryadvantage.military.com/2015/02/volunteer-force-middle-class-u-s-with-southern-drawl/) Read the latest Military Update for the full story.


Army Seeks Applications


Twenty sergeants major will soon have an opportunity to teach the next generation of sergeants major through a fellowship program at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy (USASMA) at Fort Bliss, Texas. The one-year education program offers fellows a master's degree in adult education from Pennsylvania State University and an additional three years' service in the Army as an instructor in the sergeants major course. Applications are due March 20. Applicants must be active Army sergeants major; possess a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited institution with a grade-point average of 3.0 or higher; and must be able to pass the Army physical fitness test and be U.S. citizens. All education expenses will be paid for by the Department of the Army. For more information, e-mail Joel D. Strout at Human Resources Command at (mailto:joel.d.strout.civ@mail.mil) joel.d.strout.civ@mail.mil. The subject of the e-mail should be "Request to compete for the USASMA Fellowship Program."

For more Army news updates, visit the (http://www.military.com/daily-news) Military.com News Center.


Fairways for Warriors


The nonprofit charity Fairways for Warriors in Florida provides golf equipment, instruction, and outings to wounded warriors and their family members. The organization provides golf and golf instruction for wounded personnel, ranging from beginners to those with prior golf experience, who are adapting their skills to their new abilities. The organization helps combat wounded warriors, anyone who has served in combat, to overcome the obstacles associated with their military service-related disabilities. For more information, visit the Fairways for Warriors website at (http://fairwaysforwarriors.org/) fairwaysforwarriors.org.

For more wounded warrior news, see (http://www.military.com/topics/wounded-warriors) this Military.com section.


Office Depot Hiring Veterans


We understand that joining the Military wasn't an easy decision, and we're honored that you're considering Office Depot as a place to take the next step in your career. We're committed to strengthening our organization by hiring men and women who have served in our Military. We need strong leaders in our organization that are ready to take our Supply Chain, Retail, Technology and other teams to the next level. (http://www.military.com/veteran-employers/office-depot?ESRC=mrvr0302.nl) Apply today and use your skills, experience and values to help us become even more successful together.

Video: That Which I Love Destroys Me

Visit Military.com to (http://www.military.com/helpingvetsheal?ESRC=mrvr.nl) watch a documentary of two elite warriors' firsthand accounts of their struggles with PTSD and returning home from the longest combat campaign in U.S. history.


Service Dogs for Veterans


The nonprofit Battle Buddy Foundation based in Cincinnati, Ohio provides service dogs to veterans. The organizations strategies are to (1) provide trained psychiatric and mobility service dogs and therapy dogs to veterans at no cost; (2) connect veterans to employment and housing opportunities; and (3) build a community of peer support for veterans and their families. For more information, visit the Battle Buddy Foundation website at (http://www.tbbf.org/) www.tbbf.org.

For more military news updates, visit the (http://www.military.com/daily-news) Military.com News Center.


New Driving Policies in Germany


Host nation police authorities in Germany, particularly in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, recently started to enforce a new policy concerning driver's licenses for personnel of the U.S. Forces and their dependents. According to this policy, the driver is only in possession of a valid license to operate a privately owned vehicle (POV) in German public traffic if in possession of a valid U.S. driver's license and a valid U.S. Forces certificate of license (USAREUR license). If the U.S. driver's license has expired, some German authorities may consider the individual to be operating the vehicle without a license, regardless of a valid USAREUR license. In Germany, driving without license is a criminal offense. U.S. Forces personnel in Germany should be aware of the present situation. If possible, those who have a U.S. State driver's license should ensure it is valid and renewed in a timely manner. U.S. Forces military and civilian personnel or family members who wish to convert their U.S. driver's' license to a German license or obtain a German license should contact USAREUR vehicle registry. U. S. Forces personnel that experience any problems should contact legal assistance.

For more military news updates, visit the (http://www.military.com/daily-news) Military.com News Center.


TRICARE and Air Evacs


If beneficiaries live overseas and need air ambulance services (aeromedical evacuation or "air evac"), TRICARE only pays if the transport is medically necessary and to the closest, safest location for medical care. Retirees overseas have to pay for the service up-front and then file a claim for reimbursement. If you are planning to live or travel overseas, you may wish to consider other options for coverage of air transport for circumstances not covered by TRICARE. Also, active-duty family members (ADFMs) using TRICARE Standard may have to pay up front for the air evacuation; the evacuation must be medically necessary; and must be to the nearest facility capable of providing the needed care in order for TRICARE to cost-share on the aeromedical evacuation. For more information about receiving care overseas, visit the (http://www.tricare.mil/Plans/Enroll/TPO.aspx) TRICARE Overseas Program webpage.

For more on TRICARE, visit the (http://www.military.com/benefits/tricare) Military.com TRICARE section.


Remembering Our Fallen


San Diego's military servicemen and women, veterans and spouses, are invited to visit the "Remembering Our Fallen" Memorial Photo Exhibit. This California exhibit focuses on the 710 California service men and women who were killed in battle since 9/11 (in the War on Terror, wearing our country's uniform in a war zone). The exhibit opens on Monday 3/9 and runs through 3/20, weekdays only, 9am-4pm. The opening ceremony is Monday 3/9, 9am-11am, followed by a tour of the photos. Additional information can be found at (http://www.rememberingourfallen.org/california) http://www.rememberingourfallen.org/california. For additional information, call (858) 859-4547 or (858) 859-4643.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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