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Posts posted by Wanderin

  1. We close the Campground today. Leave tomorrow for Cochiti Lake for a few days letdown. It has been a tough summer. Next year we are taking a smaller campground with about half the sites, we are getting to old to take care of 45 sites. Hope everyone is well and happy. {we are} Hope to see everyone this winter, not sure where we'll be yet. Thinking about the Escapade in Tucson in March. Stay Safe!!


    LIFE IS GOOD!!!!


    Freddy and Delcie

    I think snowbird movement has started. Folks are starting to think of heading south again . Even though it's been in the 80's you can still tell fall is in the air. Hoping to see both of you this winter.

  2. Update on Lee: It is sad news. He has a brain tumor and believe this is probably what caused the symptoms of the stroke. Now they feel he may not have had a stroke at all as diagnosed by the doctors in New Mexico. However, they cannot operate. He can't speak and isn't eating. He was originally put in assisted living but is in the hospital now. He will be moved to hospice before long.

  3. Update on Lee: It is sad news. He has a brain tumor and believe this is probably what caused the symptoms of the stroke. Now they feel he may not have had a stroke at all as diagnosed by the doctors in New Mexico. However, they cannot operate. He can't speak and isn't eating. He was originally put in assisted living but is in the hospital now. He will be moved to hospice before long.

  4. Haven't had an update from Lee in a while. Hope he is doing great and can keep us updated on his condition.


    Jerry and Janice

    We must really be on the same page today. I emailed his niece earlier today asking about him and how he was doing. I haven't heard back. Hopefully, she'll check her email tomorrow.

  5. Let us know when you hit portland. If we're around we have hookups. It's kind of remote but does have huge pool, hot tub, lake, kayaks, etc etc. We just have to let you in and out cuz it's gated.


    We probably won't hit idaho for a couple weeks either. We have to get around a reunion on the 20th first.


    Thanks Steve. We did stay there 2 years ago for a couple of weeks. Plan to do a lot of bike riding again, many paved trails. It's just pretty there with the lake and all.


    Travel safe everyone.


    Jeff :)


    Let us know where, when and how long? We're thinking we may just be going through that area.

  7. Time to start thinking about hitting the road - kids are heading back to school. I can't believe school in some areas has already started. YIKES!! As retired school teachers, we are sure glad school didn't start until closer to Labor Day.


    We plan on heading to Gettysburg around the 12th of September and then roam down the East Coast before heading West. Hope to be in Houston for Thanksgiving with our daughter and then on to Arizona for the winter.


    Safe travels everyone!!!


    Well, I know we'll certainly see you in Arizona !!

  8. We finally made it to the Canyon Ferry Lake KOA. Now if the weather will calm down, Jim will hopefully be bringing home dinner a few times.

    Enjoy the rest ... I know you both need it.


    We had our last birthday party today for another month. We've had four of them in a row and glad that's over with. A family reunion follows next weekend. My cousin is in charge of hosting this year but she wanted to host it at our place .... ugh. When that's over and if Terry doesn't have any more follow up appointments, we're taking off for vacation. All I can say is it's about time. We need a rest!! Not quite sure where we'll head yet .... maybe Glacier and maybe not. You know how that goes.

  9. Thanks Jeri. I think Escapees did a reset and lost my previous post.


    Friday was a move day from Pocatello to Boise. I managed to strain my lower back getting ready to leave and its ok now. Then got sprayed with the hose at the dump station by you know who. The drive to Boise was uneventful but set up wasn't. Tina was moving the big slide out when one of the slide topper brackets ripped off. We got it fixed I think.


    Been chillin' this afternoon watching drag racing on Fox.


    Travel safe everyone.


    Jeff :)


    Sorry to hear about your back. The uneventful drive is like we all want our drives to be. We had some slide toppers replaced when we were in Florida -- not fun and a little issue in itself but all is good now, we hope.


    Where you heading after Boise? We had our last birthday party today for another month. We've had four of them in a row and glad that's over with. A family reunion follows next weekend. My cousin is in charge of hosting this year but she wanted to host it at our place .... ugh. When that's over and if Terry doesn't have any more follow appointments, we're taking off for vacation. All I can say is it's about time. We need a rest!! Not quite sure where we'll head yet .... maybe Glacier and maybe not. You know how that goes.

  10. I want to share with you a few pieces of a note I received today from IYQ and his niece. They wrote it together. If you want to send him a card, let me know and I'll give you his address. I don't want to post the address online.




    "He hasn't been able to read and write emails on his own, but he is doing speech and occupational therapy so hopefully we will see some improvements soon.

    He moved in about 2 weeks ago and is still adjusting. His speech is a little jumbled, but the Therapist thinks he can definitely help Lee's speech. Anyway, just wanted to update you guys on Lee. He has turned off his cell phone (his number is still connected, he just won't answer the phone), because he says he can't answer it. He laughed pretty heartily at your joke about breaking him out! Ha ha I wish and I know he wishes that he could still be out traveling around. "

    Take Care,
    Lee and Cameron




  11. I want to share with you a few pieces of a note I received today from IYQ and his niece. They wrote it together. If you want to send him a card, let me know and I'll give you his address. I don't want to post the address online.




    "He hasn't been able to read and write emails on his own, but he is doing speech and occupational therapy so hopefully we will see some improvements soon.

    He moved in about 2 weeks ago and is still adjusting. His speech is a little jumbled, but the Therapist thinks he can definitely help Lee's speech. Anyway, just wanted to update you guys on Lee. He has turned off his cell phone (his number is still connected, he just won't answer the phone), because he says he can't answer it. He laughed pretty heartily at your joke about breaking him out! Ha ha I wish and I know he wishes that he could still be out traveling around. "

    Take Care,
    Lee and Cameron




  12. Sorry about offending folks. Apparently the smiley face didn't work. You do all know I have not been to a gathering for several years, right? In fact, I no longer own an RV. If you'd like, you can all vote me off the island now. But, I hope you don't.




    Well, Minnesota isn't really known as a snowbird destination except during the summer. I'm thinking it would be really hard for you to attend a reunion. Besides, there'd be a lot of people you wouldn't know. It's more of a gathering now than a reunion. No one is going to vote you off the island! You're an original !

  13. Thinking about the Escapade in March at Tucson again. We don't plan on Q next year. Hope everyone is well. Thinking of Lee and keeping him in our prayers.


    Life is good!!!


    Freddy & Delcie


    Well, when you hear about details for the Escapade, let us know. We always seem to be the last to hear and we just might sign up for it too!

  14. So glad to see activity on this site, hasn't been much since we gave up our identity. We haven't got any solid plans yet. Thinking about the Escapade in March at Tucson again. We don't plan on Q next year. Hope everyone is well. Thinking of Lee and keeping him in our prayers.


    Life is good!!!


    Freddy & Delcie


    Absolutely don't want to give up our identity. I'm sure if you head to Tucson, that you'll find lots of folks around that are anxious to see you and visit. I won't mention names. :)


    We'll be someplace in Arizona and probably at times, in California. That's about the only plans we've made right now for winter. It seems once we know where we're going, we change it!

  15. If anyone of the "class-Less" hears from or about Lee and gets his address please post it.

    I am not in a "class" but would like to send him a card.

    No, I do not know him or have even met him, but always enjoyed his posts.

    E.P. Escapee# oh heck, I forgot.


    We are all hoping to hear from Lee or from his niece soon. He was the "leader of the pack" and kept the Class-less going. Heck, we might just dissolve back to the 2008-09 group without him .............

  16. Just checking in ... we're back from Arizona. Weather was a little "warm" there but it's beautiful in the PNW. I'm guessing we'll get hitch itch again in a couple weeks and go someplace else even though we don't have a hitch with us. We just have to figure out where ..................

  17. Yes, Lee, we're all anxioius to hear about your adventures with the cowgirls (nurses). I'm wondering if your GG Niece should warn them you're coming. Just remember you've already had volunteers to break you out if you get yourself in trouble and need to get back on the road !!

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