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Posts posted by Wanderin

  1. I'm sure we'll be seeing Eric and Karla when they visit the Pacific NW. That's a good thing. Having our pets age is hard. I guess it's just like us when we age. Some things aren't as much fun!


    I love the hook ups when it's cold or when it's hot. However, I must admit I also enjoy being out in the middle of nowhere for a while.

  2. Anyone else having "link" issues at the forum? I had trouble getting in tonight.


    It would be amazing to have a full sized washer and dryer and not worry about the space, electrical usage and having quarters! It would be a very different lifestyle for sure.


    So, we decided a few more days in Pensacola wouldn't hurt before we head west. Now we're thinking maybe Monday (or maybe not) but I do have to agree that a change of scenery is nice. So, we are looking forward to a little time in Mississippi and Louisiana but we can't move too fast or the weather will get us.


    You never know who'll come a knockin'. LOL.


    Isn't that the truth except Sharon said the park they were at was full.


    Well, we're flying back to Pensacola today and will pull out of the Elks there mid- week heading first to Mississippi and eventually on west. It sure has been cold here.

  4. Janice is using reading glasses for distance vision and can see OK but not what she wanted. When her eyes have adjusted, she will get prescription glasses. She using two different strength reading glasses to read up close. BOTH at the same time!! Looks funny but I am not brave enough to post a picture.

    We had some storms hit close by but missed us. Two tornados touched down within 50 miles of us.


    Well, well .....Janice and I had a video - message yesterday on the phone and I know what you mean about wearing double glasses. However, like you, no way would I post any picture! I'm not brave either!


    Hate those storms! Glad those tornados were 50 miles away. You're safer that way. We noticed the storms we had yesterday moved on up the coast and Norfolk got them today. We're flyiing up to Norfolk for a weekend visit with Justin and to celebrate his birthday.

  5. Escapee's won't take it away if it isn't used frequently, will they? I think it's nice to monitor and if someone has something nice or important to update us with, they can post. No reason, in my humble opinion, to post for the sake of posting. That said, all is well in Houston....go ahead and land that thing! :)


    We are still at the Houston Elks CG until sometime around the beginning of April. Houston Cook-off this weekend and then the month long Houston Rodeo. If passing through Houston, this is a great place to stop but unfortunately it is full for Rodeo. Give us a shout if passing through so we can meet up!


    Safe travels everyone :D


    Paul, Marsha, and Bella

    Nope. They won't take it away but once in a while it's nice to move it to the top of the list again. It's just keeping in touch with everyone who still check this forum.

  6. Now this is what a forum should look like. I had a rough day today. It started out last night when I found my bank card had been compromised. I got it cut off so will live on cash until the new one arrives. Last week I ordered, among other things, a new sewer hose. My 8 year old Rhino flex had sprang a leak. The new hose was over due on getting here and I needed to dump my tanks so I could take a shower. So this morning I got the contact cement out and coated the ring the leak was in and the two adjacent rings. As I was about to put the brush back in the bottle of cement, the brush fell out of the tube that holds it to the cap. I spent the next hour trying to get all the sand out of the brush so I could put it back in the bottle. By that time the sewer hose could be compressed to glue those 3 rings closed therefore stopping the leak. So I dumped the tanks and took my shower. Then I remembered I had taken my laundry in this morning so I jumped in the truck to go get it. As I passed the office I saw the package that had the hose I ordered had come and was waiting for me to pick it up. I got the box and the laundry and returned home. This morning I had cleaned the cook top and most of the kitchen area. I had cooked 3 lbs of hamburger and naturally had a lot of splattered grease. When I walked in the trailer I had all the stuff from the kitchen to put away plus the laundry and the box full of rv parts to find a place for. Steve, Margie and Marlou had called inviting me to a homemade pizza party. So with all the junk still scattered around I turned my back on it and went to the party. When I got back I still had to deal with the junk. I finally got it all put away and now it's time for bed. And I'm totalling wasted.

    We've had that compromise thing happen a couple times too. It's not fun for sure. Well, we survived the nasty storm that hit last night. With the slides pulled in it reminded me of the time in Q! This time we had tornado sirens going off all around us. We didn't have that in Q. Glad it's over and in a few hours we'll get to see what the floods look like around us.

  7. I agree with everything everyone has said. I will try to keep in touch through this site even though I do also do facebook.


    We are moving into our apartment on Saturday. We have been busy shopping for furniture since we didn't have any. (Although we did take the mattress and the chair from the motorhome) We actually take possession of it on Thursday, furniture will be delivered on Friday. We are renting a truck and with the help of family will move things from storage to apartment Saturday. Lets see how much food I burn since for the past 13 years I have cooked with propane and now everything will be electric!!! Will keep you posted.


    We plan on being here for about 16 months and then we are looking to move again to Arizona somewhere. We are even thinking about the Laughlin area, since Nevada has no income tax.


    Lee if you do ever get back to North Carolina, remember we are not far and there is a very nice state park very close to us. I'll even make you spaghetti!!!

    Hey Linda - We're flying to Norfolk on Thursday. How far are you from there?

  8. Lee, When you don't post for a few days some of us worry about you. I understand you not wanting to have this turn into your personal blog but, please, don't stay away too long at a time.


    Others, We all know how easy it is to stop posting when you are gathered with others. But, those of us not with you still like to know what is going on.


    I don't do other social sites so Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any of those don't let me know you are still out there and doing well. So, if you are only hearing from one of our group on those sites, squeal on 'em, OK? :) It's OK to just say I heard from...today and they are fine. In the meantime I'm worrying a bit about Denise again so if you've seen or heard from her I'd appreciate an update.



    I'll second that!


    Sandie has heard from Denise. I'll text Sandie and ask her to post what she can.

  9. I've noticed that every since we started. Frankly, I ran out of witty things to post a long time ago. I've decided not to try and keep it active by myself. I'll post when I have something to say or to respond too like everyone else. It's a matter of use it or loose it. It's up to every one in the group. It seems that everyone would rather use Facebook or one of the other social media sites than our group site. That's fine with me. If the site goes dead from non use. So be it. I don't think I'll be able to join in on the group gatherings much longer anyway.


    Well, coming up with witty responses is difficult for sure. Maybe the group needs to be closer to Deming to make it easier for you!

  10. Now your getting smart. Head west young man & Lady.


    I made a new shade board for my batteries on the trailer today. This western sunshine did a number on the old one. I don't use battery boxes. That's the best way I know of to forget to check the fluid level. And that can get expensive.


    We had 16 people at LEO (Let's Eat Out) tonight and the park is full. Last summer we were lucky to get one car full for LEO.



    Well, it's a slow trek west especially since we're waiting on my daughter to make up her mind if she's going to be heading to Pensacola while we're here or not. Geez .

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