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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. I tried out one of the camera/light combos about a year ago. Didn't like it at all. I'd recommend against them. Granted, I only tried one, and the others may be different, but I found that the light coming from it created some "fuzz" in the image and weird contrast. I'm happier having just an all-around light near the door, and a separate camera. We also have a wifi doorbell that gets video from a different angle. If we're gone and a thief wants in, I'd expect they would go into the yard and break in from there, not in front.
  2. Goal-based travel is called "work." When I used to travel for work all the time, I had deadlines and goals, and it was work and stress. It would be crazy to think you can have fun that way.
  3. Online storage stays dry automatically. I've never seen kitty litter in a datacenter...
  4. They coordinate the same way people are doing now and have been for a long time.
  5. They don’t cause any issues. This is part of the planning and testing. It’s impossible not to make these puns, but the space in LEO is...astronomical.
  6. I just find random water too nasty to drink in many places. So it's either bottles or a filter for us.
  7. The home system I linked to above is about $40 per year, I actually over-estimated it. The system I had prior (Watts Premier) is $55 per year. That includes a full pack of filters, some replaced more often than others, but add up to one year. I've never heard of an RV-specific system. https://smile.amazon.com/iSpring-7PK-GAC-Replacement-5-Stage-Filtration/dp/B004HL32EE/ref=pd_bxgy_60_2/142-8505529-3238815?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B004HL32EE&pd_rd_r=f0c7b5b9-8199-11e9-8ec8-f37f2ab7fd5a&pd_rd_w=eXY9t&pd_rd_wg=T6ws0&pf_rd_p=a2006322-0bc0-4db9-a08e-d168c18ce6f0&pf_rd_r=CPJNE3V5ZBQK2JDH14AS&psc=1&refRID=CPJNE3V5ZBQK2JDH14AS We're not full time, so bottles are fine. We never drink the onboard water.
  8. Yup, you will spend $55-60 per year on filters. We have both RO and softening, and spend about that much on salt too. So $120/year.
  9. On the RO, I really recommend that you look at units which replenish the minerals and alkalinity, like the one I linked above. There have been some studies that correlate pure RO water with mineral and bone loss. We get some of those things just from water, and normal RO is 99.999% pure, which actually seems to be bad when we talk about minerals. I have a change dump that about once a year nets $150 and I just make myself spend it on something completely stupid. Otherwise I look at cash as fungible, but like the "stupid fund."
  10. You use whatever "tricks" work for you for this. Don't let people get you down on what YOU think YOU need. This forum as a whoe is so judgy about doing unconventional things. On the water, I forgot to post this. Someone else had talked about it on another thread, and I got one for home. Great RO unit: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B003XELTTG/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
  11. This will be totally different from cellular networks, and they don't replace each other. What I wonder is how the cell networks will collaborate with these new networks to provide transitional services between them. A collaboration between Amazon/SpaceX and Verizon/AT&T could provide a great seamless experience for users no matter where they go. The equipment will be very different however.
  12. DBA is often all you need, but you might want more. Check with any vendors you may use, and the banks. Both of our banks require the DBA *and* the state business registration. Vendors like Google Business require that too, and an EIN.
  13. The reason would be that many people want to do business with a business, not "a guy." In some cases that wouldn't matter to them, others may care. I don't know the OP's marketing strategy. And I have no idea what it takes to run a tax business, but "vendors" such as Intuit may require documentation in order to treat you like a real business. If I end up selling something to a customer it's via my other business that does have licenses and vendor relationships. You might not even be able to resell things like the online accounting software without some sort of business docs, don't know.
  14. I was. I'm still screwed up by the pollen. I was mostly joking, since this is completely unusual. Those deluxe fans with the built in covers look fantastic. I haven't looked at the price yet, I'm afraid to. But I really want one.
  15. Thanks! What is this "rain" thing you speak of?? 😁
  16. Are there brands/models of these fans to look at in particular? In our area (Southwest), solar radiation heats up the RV like crazy, even when the outside temp might be a perfectly fine 75. So moving lots of hot air out of the RV would eliminate AC needs for much of the season.
  17. I would put the batteries on top of the list. They can be such an annoyance, and boondocking will be much better with reliable batteries. Lithium batteries are expensive but you get a lot for that cost. Solar can only be answered based on your boondocking time/needs, and great batteries will reduce the need for solar. I'm not sure what you mean by an upgraded generator. Do you mean more power? That's just a math formula based on what you need to run. For example, a friend's generator is enough to run the AC *or* microwave but not both. He doesn't care; just put the AC on fan when running the microwave, and deal with a little warmth for five minutes.
  18. Define "mandatory." You cannot get a bank account in a business name, or many vendor accounts, if it's not a registered business with a published DBA. I can easily and legally do business in my own name, and have in fact operated one small consulting "business" with just my name and checks made to me, without any licenses, for 20 years. But as soon as you want to get paid as "XYZ Tax Service" then you will need to do a DBA, at the very least. For the consulting-only engagements I do under my own name, no license or registration is needed.
  19. Our TT came with an RV-specific TV that runs from 12v, but my impression is that nearly all RVs just use a normal generic TV. All you really need to watch for is the weight and dynamic load you're putting on walls. A friend upgraded the tiny TV in his TT, and we put in braces for the mount. He removes it while traveling. A bouncing RV can put huge loads on the wall with a heavy TV.
  20. My mom spent years doing water aerobics 3-4 days per week to recover from being hit by a drunk driver. She had balance, vision, and skeletal issues. The water was the one place she could reliably and SAFELY balance. I'm shocked and dismayed by the amount of judgment and assumption expressed in this thread over things that don't affect the people complaining about it. Judging others' challenges by your own capabilities and limited knowledge is rarely right.
  21. A chihuahua or toy poodle in a bag is perfectly plausible for a variety of jobs, such as epilepsy warning or PTSD episode warnings. No idea if that was the case there. As far as businesses, lots of them specifically welcome dogs. We sometimes take ours there, and always ask first. We keep them away from people. Many come over to pet them. That's freedom. Yelp has a filter for "dog friendly," you could use that to avoid those places I guess. We just had lunch on a dog-friendly patio with other people with dogs, found it using that search. The business owner made that choice, and got our business because of it. We were at the vet 45 minutes from home, didn't want to come back then leave again. Best Buy was an interesting one, we really didn't know what to expect. Asked, and the front door person looked at us like we were crazy for even asking. "Of course!"
  22. We were just talking about Lowe's and places like that where it's legal and encouraged. I've never seen an illegal dog inside a restaurant. And yes, it's already illegal to have a non-service animal inside a restaurant, as well as in grocery stores. Patios are a different story, it's common and perfectly acceptable here to have them on patios, and many places specifically welcome them with bowls, leash ties, and the like.
  23. That's good advice, and also keep in mind that you can often get permission. We have a neighbor living in his RV in front of the house right now, because there was a water leak and mold. It's both illegal and against HOA rules, but both the HOA and city gave him permission.
  24. What line? Between service animals and support animals? That line was drawn by the ADA, and I even quoted it. So I'm not sure what you're asking. I didn't even express an opinion on either topic, just what the law is. You should definitely be able to take your gun almost anywhere too, of course. And your drugs. You can take your car almost anywhere now, so what would change? That you take it on an airplane? I'm still not understanding why taking a pet into Lowe's is such a horrible thing that is leading to the downfall of humanity. I went by my favorite gun shop this morning, and the owner had his dog there. A customer had his dog. What exactly is the problem?
  25. That site is a scam and shouldn't be looked to for "facts." There's no such thing as an assistance dog license, for one. Service animals are defined as dogs and miniature horses that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Period. No other animal is a service/assistance animal. Any animal can be called an emotional support animal, but they have NO legal protection at all. A business can refuse to allow ANY emotional support animal of any kind. Businesses must allow legit service dogs and mini horses, and may only ask a person if the animal is trained to do a specific task, and what the task is. They may not ask the disability, although the task may define what it is. A business can kick out a claimed service animal that is creating a problem, is out of control, or for which the owner will not answer those questions.
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