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Everything posted by Zulu

  1. So your argument is . . . since there is no specific amount of time, then you can just stay 1 day (or less)?
  2. "Ok Boomer" is a meme with several meanings, one of them generational and therefore ageist. However, to me it represents thinking inside the box or double think. If you took it as a generational slam, I'm sorry as that wasn't intended.
  3. One more time . . . the ACA uses where you actually reside to determine health plan eligibility. If you base you actions on whether or not you'll be caught, then again, Ok, Boomer. As Escapees advise in #7 -- Be Physically Present in Your Home State
  4. We should start a pool of when we think Starlink will be available for RVers (ie, consumers). I'm thinking 2021. How about you?
  5. No, but one of my wife's friends had to give up her primo Kaiser CA Medicare supplement (or Advantage) medical plan because she actually lives in AZ and kept using her AZ address. BTW, Kaiser did not take any punitive action. On the other hand, another one of my wife's friends has been living in AZ for over 30 years. However, she still is enrolled in a Kaiser CA Medicare plan and has had a ton of expensive medical work done. Unlike the previous example, this woman had the wherewithal to use her daughter's CA address to maintain coverage. Blues, if your justification is I-Probably-Won't-Be-Caught, then Ok, Boomer.
  6. Starlink 3 & 4 launches coming up . . . Optimists See Internet Service by April
  7. That was probably Winnie Views: How To Move to Florida in 1 Hour in which Lynn describes how she flew to FL in 2015 to set up this state as her residence in order to get a good ACA health insurance plan. Then it seems she flew back to Illinois never to return. About a year later in 2016 the Department of Health & Human Services issued a Residence FAQ (PDF) for the ACA to prevent what Lynn and others were doing -- changing or appearing to change residency in order to get better or cheaper ACA health insurance. It's hard to get mad at Lynn because she died a few years later in 2018. Nevertheless, a number of full time RVers think it's ok to complete a residency "checklist" (get a new address, register vehicles in state, etc) without actually residing in the state. Even Escapee's in its recent (August 2019) The Ultimate Guide to Establishing Your Domicile as an RVer says "it isn’t enough to choose a new state, go there for a week, fill out the paper work and then take off with no intention of returning to your new state of domicile". For those of you who still think "checklists" are enough, read the Sanchez Case. It's also not a good idea to purchase health insurance in a place you never reside. OP, some final thoughts for you . . . First, I admire your candor. You're new and asked fundamental questions that got to the heart of establishing a domicile as a full time RVer. However, it's never a good idea to say in a public forum as you did "We have no plans to reside anywhere" but go on to say that you "want to establish residency in a state that has better insurance options". Finally, I think the best answer to your concerns came from Kirk W -- make sure to check out those links he listed.
  8. It doesn't take a close reading to see that OP has no intent on residing in Travis County. He probably won't be caught by the health insurance company as long as he's just paying premiums.
  9. A 4-day-old Tweet from Elon Musk (from Starlink Reddit) . . .
  10. It hasn't been a good time for short sellers.
  11. So envious. I've just seen one laying on its side at the Kennedy Space Center I think.
  12. If you're talking about ACA (aka Obamacare) health insurance, then if you don't reside in Travis County, you could be in for trouble. The ACA doesn't care about your domicile, it cares about where you actually spend your time. Here are the ACA Residency Requirements.`
  13. I'd like to see that letter. Does anyone have a copy?
  14. Beats me, but I'm guessing you think so. I, like I think most thread posters, have only cursory experiences with the homeless . . . From this single experience, it seems you've come to a conclusion about panhandlers in general. Sounds like a really in-depth investigation. Sources for these claims? Seriously, "anyone"? Pay a visit to Burnside's Walmart.
  15. While we're debating the new Ford vs Chevy topic, Merry Christmas folks! Now back to the show . . .
  16. Me: The park voltage has dropped so low that my power protection device has disconnected from the power pedestal. I have no power! Possible Campground Responses: #1 - Campground: No one else has complained. #2 - Campground: Maybe your protection device is bad. #3 - Campground: Sorry, you'll have to live with it. #4 - Campground: You can always go to another campground. #5 - Campground: You're right, sir. We've been horribly remiss. I've contacted an electrical contractor, and we'll get right on it. The only response I've never heard is #5.
  17. Dedicated to all those who replace their own batteries . . . Batteries are heavy. Those of you with larger battery banks, my hat's off to you.
  18. Update . . . SpaceX needs to launch at least 360 satellites (6 launches not counting May 2019 demo launch) into orbit to start offering service in latitudes around 53º (the Northern US, Southern Canada, etc) -- from the SpaceX Wiki. Starlink launch #2 - slated for 12/31/2019 Starlink launch #3 - slated for January 1/2 way there by January
  19. I think Linda may have been referring to the medical advice you were dispensing. So with no actual experience in an HMO (you had this smashingly good university-supplied health plan, right?) other than talking with some (one? ten?) HMO folks who appeared to be doing fine, you've concluded that HMOs are ok. Well, at least not a roadblock to choosing a domicile for someone under 65 who has to buy their own health insurance.. I think this is awful advice. I've had an HMO with no national coverage, and, believe me, you don't want this. Finally, the notion that "fairly healthy" people can predict their on-road health events and limit doctor visits to once a year is not realistic.
  20. Midnite Solar’s F-series magnetic/hydraulic breakers seem to have some pretty impressive specs. Glenn, ask on the MidNite Solar forum.
  21. I suggest a 175A breaker instead of a fuse. I used to use fuses too until I had an electrical issue that blew the fuse. Then what? Keep replacing the fuse until you locate the problem? Good luck with that. Also, you get a fuse & cut off switch in one.
  22. 1/4 cup of bleach per 15 gal of water. Let sit 4 hours and then flush with fresh water.
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