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Everything posted by lappir

  1. Posted 2 hours ago (edited) Missouri is definitely not the place you want to be in winter .... or summer. We grew up there! Didn't want to quote the entire comment, but I have spent winters in Missouri and Oklahoma and find them very nice. But I like the cold weather and snow. Sure there have been times where it's more cold than others and I've seen neighbors having issues with leaving hoses out in the sub zero temps and then thinking on a warmer day they would thaw out more quickly than they actually will. It's all about planning and putting "Skirting" around to keep the wind from blowing under your home. Keeping your fresh water tank full when ever there is a semi nice day with little wind and paying attention to your waste tanks and using the facilities at the campground for the high water use activities. I have wintered in Cape Girardeau, MO., Edmond and Lawton, OK. with no major issues. Rod
  2. Good luck, I also had some changes I wanted when I got my first Volvo, a couple shops refused to do them and finally I found one who said they could and did most of them. Another shop tried to fix my speed limit, but what really worked was putting 11R on the drive in place of the low pro. Gave me 8 mph that the computer didn't know I had. Rod
  3. I don't know about wheels, but there is a family that does exterior cleaning. They are one of the Presenters this year, I believe. Rod
  4. Tore off the right rear fender. Backing out of a spot that I had no issue pulling in to, but apparently the mud flap caught under the tire and instead of giving up it hung on tight till the fender supports broke. Pulled ahead after hearing a "thump" and saw a hump on the driveway. Got out and found the fender sitting there. Just replaced them a couple years ago and thought about leaving them on the Gold truck and getting new ones. Don't know if I'm glad I didn't or not. Hopefully I can find the brackets but it's not looking very good today. All I see are just plain fenders. Rod
  5. I attended one of the rallies in a Tent (my first) and then in the truck only a few years later when if I'd taken the trailer I might have lost my spot in Denver. Some people come and stay in a motel, others have RV's delivered to the site, set up and all they have to do is drive and bring some clothes. To my knowledge no one has asked to "Stay" in the 4H facilities that are used during the State Fair for kids to stay on the grounds. I'm sure they are pretty minimalist. Rod
  6. https://nationalhdtrally.org/2023-schedule/ Here is a schedule of events for the 2023 Rally. Let me know if you cannot open and I'll try a different way. Rod
  7. Reduce, reuse, repurpose and if all else fails recycle.
  8. Water is getting into the cylinders is my guess. Check the radiator to make sure it's still full and doesn't have an oily film. Depending on your use of the vehicle it may stay the same for a while or get worse quite suddenly. The worst part is if it's leaking into the cylinder after shut down, then what ever it touches will start to rust and that's not a good thing. Not an expert, but have been around the block for a few years.
  9. I've had a Natures Head for over a year now and won't ever go back to a black tank. The Coconut Coir works great and is very easy to use. I have not tried the Peet Moss. Unfortunately I had a couple visits as an inpatient in the Hospital this year and came home with two "Urinals", they work so much better than the laundry soap bottles I had been using. I found the best way to rid a location of the "Thistle" plant is to apply undiluted urine. In a day or two (depending on the rain) they shrivel up and die. It's my gift to those who walk bare foot. At one time I tried just collecting the liquid in the black tank, but then when I emptied there was a very noticeable Ammonia odor. I now just let the tanks drain and try to flush any urine through the line with a shower or washing dishes after dumping. Pouring urine in one spot all the time is not good after the "Thistle" is gone I find another one. Sometimes it's a hike.
  10. Ok, maybe some day I will make it back to Florida and can pick them up (if they are still around). I got Rick J's Aluminum ramps that are 10' a bit shorter than my STEEL ones, but much lighter. The Jeep will climb up fine, I'm just looking for something for the motorcycle that I might be able to rid up and not have to use the winch. I buy nothing from Amazon, but thanks for letting me know. Don't know how I feel about buying something that came from there. Hadn't thought about it till today. Hopefully the current Chrysler needs replacement before you do. Rod
  11. On most HDT's that I have seen, there is no backing plate, you can see the brake shoes pretty easily, except on the Steer Axle, then there is a backing plate. Disc brakes may have a backing plate. Anyone know for sure about them? Rod
  12. How much do you want for them? Any chance they will fit on top of the van for the trip to Hutch? I think you have my PBX if you want to call later. I'm at the computer right now for a bit and the phone is in the truck where I should be. Taking a break right now. Rod
  13. Nobody else working on any thing? I moved my tool boxes out of the shop and into the "DromBox" today. Getting closer to actually loading the motorcycle for the trip to Kansas and then Oklahoma. Noticed on set of the drive tires seems to be a bit low. Will have to check the Cross Fires to see where it's leaking. I did the soapy water check when I installed them, but maybe I missed something. It's turned very nice in SE Iowa finally and hardly worked up a sweat today, except when I rode the motorcycle to the Pioneer Farm Celebration for lunch. ATGATT sometimes gets warm. Rod
  14. How long are your ramps Henry? I don't need them, but if they are over 10' It mite make loading the bike a little easier. Rod
  15. Does your DW know you wrote this?
  16. Actually both of my trucks are in the same year range and are Gen 1. Found a inexpensive (I think) Radio/Android Auto/Camera video screen, but the truck I'm keeping has two items in the space, where the for sale truck has a single opening with an aftermarket Pioneer unit. Hoping to just switch the dash parts, but requires removal of the valve handles, both with visible roll pins. Rod
  17. Thanks Carl, I was thinking there should be a special tool . Now to find one in SE Iowa. Rod
  18. I'm wondering if there is a different way to remove the "Roll Pin" that holds them in place. I did it many years ago on the Gold truck using a pin punch and a small hammer. Not sure if that caused the occasional leak I have noticed over the years since. It always stops with a bit of a wiggle of the knob. Rod
  19. Pretty sure that's true, but maybe if they are left long enough open they have a chance to dry well before they are smacked back to the drum. Good question to ask. Rod
  20. Have had my brakes lock up only once and flat spotted the tires trying to break loose. Now if it doesn't move I grab my tiny hammer and go to the offending wheel to lightly tap on the shoe that seems to still be adhered to the drum. It's usually on the trailer and I have to raise it off the ground to get under so there isn't a rolling issue. The only time it happened was in Lawton, OK. I drove into town (many miles) in a pouring rain. Then next day it was ice. I think they may have pretreated the road, but maybe it was just the rain and quick freeze. Didn't try to move till spring. Rod
  21. https://www.advrider.com/android-auto-apple-carplay-for-any-motorcycle-new-option/ It's a "Start Up" and I hope it actually makes it to production. I really want one for my motorcycles, but think it might be an option for my truck or your RV. Not a lot of info on it, but looks interesting. Will wait to pay full price for an actual item than paying for something that may not be produced. (Thanks Elio Motors) Rod
  22. So, I really still don't do FB and am sad to see that no information regarding the upcoming (less than a month away) 2023 National HDT Rally hasn't posted here. I have had contact with Steve and do know the Rally is a go and there are LOTS of new folks coming this year. Some of the attendees who haven't missed a rally in over 11 years unfortunately won't be making it this year. I will be there and hope to remember to mention it during one of the "Round Table" discussions. If I don't will someone remind me. Hope to see may of you there. Rod
  23. Sorry for your situation. I have my doubts that any insurance will cover that cost, unless you specifically chose a "Trip interruption policy" just before leaving for a specific trip. Family and friends would be my first attempt if it happened to me, offer to cover the expenses for them. A professional moving service would be pretty expensive and if you happen to fall for asking for a quote you could be hounded by emails, text messages and telephone calls from multiple "Brokers" all hoping you will use them to book a service through them. I made the mistake of trying that to get a vehicle moved from Oklahoma to Iowa at the start of Covid. Fuel prices went down enough it was cheaper for me to haul it my self round trip than pay them to take it one way. Good luck. Rod
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