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VA Telephone Numbers and Internet Addresses


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Attention ADMIN ...


do you think this would be worthwhile as a "Sticky" for Veterans seeking answers from the Veteran's Administration ?


The Internet links are hot, just click on one to go to that site..


All of this info came directly out of the 2009 "Federal Benefits for Veterans" handbook.






VA Phone Numbers


Bereavement Counseling .........................................................1-202-461-6530

Education ..............................................................................1-888-442-4551

Headstones and Markers .........................................................1-800-697-6947

Health Care ............................................................................1-877-222-8387

Homeless Veterans .................................................................1-877-222-8387

Home Loans ...........................................................................1-877-827-3702

Life Insurance .........................................................................1-800-669-8477

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ............................................1-800-273-8255

Pension Management Center ....................................................1-877-294-6380

Special Health Issues ..............................................................1-800-749-8387

Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) ............................1-800-829-4833

VA Benefits ............................................................................1-800-827-1000



VA Web Sites


VA Home Page ………………………………........................................ http://www.va.gov

Educational Benefits ……………………………….......................... http://www.gibill.va.gov

Health Care Eligibility …………………………........……. http://www.va.gov/healtheligibility

Burial and Memorial Benefits ……………………........…………..…… http://www.cem.va.gov

Returning Service Members ………………………….....….....…... http://www.oefoif.va.gov

Home Loan Guaranty…………………………….……............ http://www.homeloans.va.gov

Records ……………………………..… http://www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel

VA Benefit Payment Rates …….……………………… http://www.vba.va.gov/bin/21/rates

VA Forms ………………………………................................ http://www.vav.gov/vaforms

Mental Health …………………………….…................ .. http://www.mental health.va.gov

Federal Jobs ………………………………...........………….……… http://www.usajobs.opm.gov

Veterans Preference …………………………….. http://www.opm.gov/veterans/index.asp

Employment Assistance ………………………………..............…… http://www.dol.gov/vets

Vocational Rehabilitation and Education ……………………… http://www.vetsuccess.gov

Life Insurance ………………………………......................…. http://www.insurance.va.gov

Department of Defense ……………………………….........…….. http://www.defenselink.mil

Edited by jharrelson

1995 Prowler 30.5 w/one slide

1993 F-350

2007 KIA Spectra


Carson City, Nevada



The story goes that a man died and was approached by the Devil who told him that he could buy his soul back for a dollar. The man searched his pockets and could only come up with 98 cent. While begging the Devil to forget the two cent he was short, an Angel happened by and hearing the Devil laughing, asked the man, "Would you mind if I put in my two cents ?" The Devil got so mad that he exploded in a puff of smoke and the man's soul was saved.


The moral: Sometimes putting in your two cents worth makes a difference.

JOHN "the cook" 1987 ©

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When I was getting the run around on registering with the VA, I sent an e-mail to the DC Administration offices and they put me in touch with what they call a Patient Advocate. This individual contacted me and suddenly things got moving. So, find out who is your contact in your own locality and save the number for future leverage.


John, thank your for the information and time spent. Good list to save in your VA Folder.

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For Veterans already in the system there is: https://www.myhealth.va.gov/index.html


SKP# 99967
FMCA 409720
US Army retired
DoD Civilian retired
2000 Beaver Contessa...2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara...2013 BRP CanAm Spyder RTS Limited


"A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The 'United States of America', for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'"

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