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I have issues!

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2000 Suncruser, V10 Ford F53 chassic. I have an electric issue I think. All at once I have no 

No Over ride step for coatch

No Hydrolic system for Jacks or Slide

No Speedometer or millage gage

No Overdrive butten " it lashes off and on"

Rear view camera not working

All these issue stopped working at the same time as I was putting down my jacks and pulling out my slide. 


Does anyone have any tips as to what to look for or any experence with such issues all at once? Im thinking simply a loose wire but I cant find it!

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Those are all 12V powered and I suspect that they all come from the chassis system.I assume that you have you tried starting the engine and then discovered the speedometer and overdrive issues. Am I right that you just arrived at a stop after traveling and that nothing was unusual in the trip? You can get the electrical drawings for your RV from Winnebago by entering the proper model designator. I would get the drawings out and try to determine what those items may have in common. If all of them failed at the same time there must be one iterm that impacted everything. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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    I would think that you need volt meter to start with. Then understand how to use it.

   The wiring diagram would also be very much needed also.


     The one thing that could be common to your problem is grounds. And yes they can be intermittent.

   With the meter in hand and watching the reading, have someone try the system you are having problems with. I think this would be a good start.

    Several years ago I had a customer that the generator would not start, then it would not start. It finally quit starting.

   So checked all batteries, wiring and grounds. Finally put a long set of battery jumper cables on the ground lug on the generator. To the ground on the batteries.

   It fired up every time I tried it.

  I cannot remember who made the class C rv. But they used the chassis as  a ground connection. Rusty frame from beach use possible. It was rather rusty for the age of the unit.

     So I ran a dedicated ground wire from the batteries to the generator.

  Problem solved.

   Ground problems can make gray hair on a mans head . If you have any to turn gray.

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