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New Agent Orange Diseases

NamMedevac 70

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The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act bill just passed both houses of Congress and is awaiting POTUS signature who may or may not veto the bill due to issues he disagrees with.  The bill is veto proof so it will eventually become law.

This bill authorizes VA Secretary to add 3 new presumptive diseases to long list of AO illnesses already approved for Vietnam veterans service connection disability due to exposure the DOD defoliant Agent Orange that was aerial sprayed throughout Vietnam in the 60s and 70s. 

These new added diseases are 1. Bladder Cancer, 2. Parkinsonism and 3. Hypothyroidism 

More info is found on my website on link to Veterans Information Journal post number 2     https://www.facebook.com/VetJournal

On another note families of Vietnam veterans may be interested in the book "Dustoff And Medevac" by former pilot Phil Marshall containing 26 true stories of the very dangerous missions flown by the Army's unarmed UH-1H medevac helicopter crews in Nam.  These units were assigned to the Army Medical service Corp Command and although their numbers were small their loss rate of crews and aircraft were the highest of all Army aviation units.  I have no financial interest in the book but at least 6 of my combat missions are told in the book including a tragic shoot down of our aircraft in June of 70.  The book is sold on Amazon along with many other books on the Nam War.726503450_CoverphotoofbookDustoffandMedevac.jpg.42ec87a81230a4408cc86dfdefe6da6a.jpg

Dustoff Vietnam book by Novosel.jpg

Edited by NamMedevac 70
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A memorial headstone in Texas honoring the Vietnam veterans who have died from many diseases due to exposure to Vietnam Agent Orange toxin in the Vietnam War.
According to one report as many as 300,000 have died prematurely since the war from the several cancers, heart disease, Diabetes, Parkinson and others, etc.
The American chemical Dow/DuPont gift that keeps on giving.  There are naysayers and disbelievers who showed themselves on another forum and do not believe in the Congress/VA benefit of the doubt doctrine for veterans.




Agent Orange tomb stone monument ennis texas.JPG

Edited by NamMedevac 70
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