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low voltage warning lights flash along with all other lights


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I have a flashing electrical warning panel light that seems to indicate i have a low voltage situation.

When these lights flash, every system in the RV house flashing in unison (even the water tank level lights when I push that button to see my tank levels).

These lights do not flash when I'm using the RV's generator, but they do flash when I'm using the shore power.

What trouble shooting tips should I employ?


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Welcome to the Escapee foru

It sounds like you have a 12V problem of some sort. As a long time RVer with an electrical background, I have a few questions that I think my help.  Tell us what RV you have as I am guessing it is a motorhome with a built-in generator? Have you tried things without any outside source of 120V power, just operating on the battery? Do the overhead lights work properly? The TV? The refrigerator? 

If you have a volt/ohm meter I would start by checking the voltage across the RV's battery posts.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Thanks for the tips.

Sadly, I'm not near the RV where I can get to this right away, In fact it won't be for over a week (and that's if I can sneak out to the RV while everyone else is prepping for Thanksgiving!).

Yes, I have Class C RV with an internal generator.

Great idea on checking the house lights with simply the house batteries.

I'll write back in a week or two, when I know more.



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