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Social Security information.....

Kirk W

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The subject of what is available on the Social Security website after you have set up an account was mentioned in another thread so I thought that I would start a new one, just to discuss that subject. If you have not taken the trouble to sign up with SS for a personal account, I strongly recommend you do so as there is a lot of information available there. 

To assure you that the site is secure, it how requires two level identification with them sending a code to my text that must be used to complete signing in. Once there I found a record of my SS earnings from my first payment all of the way to the current year. There is also a record of what I have received each month, going back 2 years. You can also change your profile and your communication preference and request replacement documents. What I did not find that was mentioned in that previous thread was my last, or any year's 1099. I am wondering if there is something I didn't do, or missed??

One thing that I did find of interest was the total amount that I paid into SS and also the total my employers paid. When I compared the total of those to the amount that I have received since I began to draw benefits at age 62, I was quite surprised to discover that I have now drawn out significantly more than twice the total amount that was paid into the fund. Check it out and join the discussion!

EDIT:  I was just made aware that if you select "replacement documents" while on your earnings record, you can also download a .pdf copy of your last year's form 1099. You can also request them to mail a new Medicare Card there. 

Edited by Kirk W

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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