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DTV - cannot find 101

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..with my Slimline SWM dish.

I've been doing DTV HD for 15 years and never had an aiming failure until today.  I simply cannot find the 101. I have all the electronic help I can get, and a clear view of the southern sky, but no go.. and I've tried for  hours.

The last couple times of setup I've  noticed it getting just a bit harder to find the sat, and I'm guessing that's because my dish has taken a couple falls which is affecting things. There's one little dent on the edge, which has been there for years, but I suspect the arm has gone slightly out of alignment.  It's a tilt-up (moveable for storage) arm from tv4rv.  I don't think it takes much of a jolt to move that arm.  I've tried a spare Lnb and it still doesn't work.  I've had receivers fail but never to the point where they couldn't detect a signal.

Soo.. anyone with any other ideas?  

Edited by hemsteadc
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 try to remove the LNB  and hold it/ point it towards the dish. Holding it as near the same distance as when it's in its fixed position. You should see 101 at some point. Will tell you if it's a bent arm problem.  I've done this before. Hope this helps. 


Edited by Cowdog353
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