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Opinion on trip with dogs

Seon Doanae

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Dogs in hot cars are a huge dog car safety issue. Reminds pet owners that on a mild 72-degree Fahrenheit day, temperatures inside a car can skyrocket to 116 degrees F within an hour. On an 85-degree F day, the temperature can hit 102 degrees F in under 10 minutes. Cracking windows are useless against such a ferocious heat onslaught, which can rapidly cause brain damage or death. Dogs don’t sweat the way humans do. They only perspire through their paws and reduce body temperature by panting. So always provide a bowl of fresh, clean water in the car — regardless of the temperature outside. Water cools the mouth area and helps keep your pooch hydrated while you drive. I traveled with my dog and I face this situation in my last vacation and then my dog gets into danger by hypothermia then I recovered them from critical. Suggest your opinions, it will help me to travel with my dog on the next trip.



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