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InMotion and DTV HR24

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In my current coach I have an HD dish (MotoSat), SWM equipped, and an HR24-500 DVR receiver.  I receive the NY national channels as well as home channels when I'm close enough.  I am trading in my coach and the one I'm getting has an InMotion dish.  Can I set the InMotion dish to DTV, then view TV in SD using my HR24-500 DVR?

Reason: before I buy another Trav'ler dish I'd like to try Internet TV, which I have working pretty well right now.  So the satellite is my backup plan.  Then some time in the future if I feel Internet TV is the only way to go I can cancel my DTV.

Your input is appreciated


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Assuming that the InMotion can be set to receive DTV then you most likely will be able to use it for SD as you propose.  If there are two coax outputs from the dish you could feed them into a SWM8 and add a PI29 voltage inserter and operate with SWM or you can bring both coax's into the MH and setup the HR24 in Multiswitch mode rather than SWM.  Since you only have two tuners with the HR24 it really doesn't matter which approach you use.  

Joel (AKA docj)

Sandie & Joel

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