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This Is Going To Sound Crazy!!!!


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But we have found some CHEAP and easy insulation!!!! I know this is going to sound crazy but we put bubble wrap (big bubbles) on the inside of our windows and it has made a big difference!!! We got a roll of it for around 20 bucks and it covered every window and the windshield in our 36 foot Discovery. Now the really crazy thing is the way to put it on the windows...all you have to do is moisten the smooth side of the bubble wrap and it sticks to the window!!! Really, it does!!! Super easy to put up and take down!! It is supposed to be down in the 20's with some ice and snow tonight and in the teens tomorrow night so it will be a great test...but so far we can already tell a big difference!! Just thought I would pass this along! Hope it helps you stay warm!! 

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