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Float Batteries or not

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Hey Friends,

I replaced my L16's with AGM's. We are in a place for the summer that we have free power. I'm wondering whether it is better for the AGM batteries in the long run to let them float or cycle them. Does anyone know?



1975 Crown SuperCoach

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WVO Powered 6-71N

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10 hours ago, Jerry Campbell said:

I'm wondering whether it is better for the AGM batteries in the long run to let them float or cycle them.

To keep them as healthy as possible... cycle them. How often would be up to you to decide how often you want to mess with it, but ideally, I would cycle them down to at least 70% every 7-10 days (~ish). Every couple of weeks is better than not.

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Even when we're not traveling, and using the batteries, I'll go unplug from our 20A shore power while in our RV spot at home. Let it sit overnight, and usually this brings me down to ~85% SOC before the Solar Panels start charging them up. Due to having two two story houses that we park between, one to the East the other to the West, we get about 90 mins of full sun. Just enough to bring SOC up to ~90-93% (Depending on time of year, and cloud cover...). I then plug back in the 20A shore power, and the Magnum MS2812 gets it to float mode, and then maintains it until I do the cycle again. 

This is about every 4 weeks, as I do it the same day I get done taking it out for an hour drive, and running all of the systems, to keep seals and tires, etc., healthy. 

Sure it uses up some of the DOD Life Cycles, but believe this is the right thing to do between trips.

Best to you,



Be safe, have fun,


04 CC Allure "RooII" - Our "E" ride for life!

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