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Carpet under slide out


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We had a mouse over the winter in the camper and we brought the camper home to clean up.

Outside is clean and working on the inside now.  However, when I pushed the bedroom slide out out, the carpet was pulled up.....we believe there is  a hole under the carpet and we think that may have been where the mouse got in.....carpet was pulled up and we are trying to figure out a quick fix...anyone have any pics of how to put the carpet back?

How would you do that?

I can potential replace that carpet in front of the closet and the bed leave the linoleum going to vanity and toilet.....not wanting to make this into a bigger job than this.

Just putting carpet back would be the best.....we have the trailer in the driveway and in a week will get a letter from POA so trying to do this quick as well.


thanks guys.

We have an ALFA Sun 30 ft 5th wheel.  Living room in rear.



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Not knowing what the carpet looks like, I would suggest stuffing some steel wool into the mouse hole to prevent future entry. Then get some spray adhesive (headliner adhesive from NAPA) and glue the carpet back in place. In you can get to the area with a staple gun, that would also work.


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