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57th Tucson Escapade Agenda?

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Here is a list of the seminars for the 57th Escapade (these might change as the time for the Escapade gets closer):




(No matter which seminars you plan on taking, I highly recommend Mac McCoy's "Fire and Life Safety for You and Your RV." Everyone should take this seminars at least once!)

2014 Winnebago Aspect 27K
2011 Kia Soul


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I see lots of hype for things to do around Tucson but as yet have not seen an agenda of presentations.

It can be found from the Escapee website by going to Education/Escapade and then the 57th Escapade page. Down the page a bit you should see the following.



First-rate RV education! With more than 80 educational seminars, classes, and workshops, there is something for everyone. Fascinating featured speakers and discussion panels round out the line-up and include the Full-time Lifestyle 101 series with soon-to-be or wanna-be full-timers in mind! Click here for a list of seminars.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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