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Goose Island State Park, Texas 2016

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Our second year at Goose Island, not much has changed here. We have gotten interested in bird watching, because this is the first park we have had a Bird Host, and they were our neighbors. Its always interesting to hear someone talk about topics that they have a passion for. Read More:

Still seeing Places we have never seen before and others that we thought we would never see again!


homelesshartshorns | Trying to spend the last Dollar on the Last Day! (wordpress.com)

George Hartshorn | Facebook


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You scored a FHU? We were scheduled to work there last year and on arrival found no FHU sites available for hosts and the site they wanted us in had 3 very large red ant colonies. While I could probably deal with moving and dumping weekly, when piled on top of the ant hills just wasn't worth it. Darn shame too, it is a very pretty area.

Berkshire XL 40QL

Camphosting and touring

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It is nice here and lots to do in the area. I would suggest staying on the bay front if you don't like the ants. I remember you having a problem here last year. Last year they had a Host Coordinator that had a lot on her plate. And this year she is gone on leave, so there is not a lot of Coordination going on here.


As far as being off topic, I am blind in one eye and cant see out of the other.

Still seeing Places we have never seen before and others that we thought we would never see again!


homelesshartshorns | Trying to spend the last Dollar on the Last Day! (wordpress.com)

George Hartshorn | Facebook


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