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Truck Abuse by No Use


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Last year we put the Dollytrolley in the Dolly-Port storage and did not drive it for EIGHT months while we cared for the memory-loss mom-n-law.


Mom-n-law is a bit better presently but in July when we went to start drive the Dollytrolley she started once in a while throwinng a code indicating a #4 Injector Open Ground for a few seconds and then would run fine for a period of time and then throw the code again.


Dennis my Cummins Guru said it might be a injector, or a Loom or the ECM or one of the too many connection in the injector wiring........


He said that I could switch any other injector with #4 and see if the code moves with the original #4 injector new location. Or.....he could send me a loaner ECM and I could swap out the present ECM.....Or do what he would do......he said he would start driving it a LOT......


Well Dennis just might be THE the Guru after all.... since the more I flog the Trolley the less it throws the code and in the last 13 hours of operation it has run flawlessly........today it ran perfect for 7 hours all over the SE outback high desert corner of Oregon and North Nevada.


Dennis says that often after sitting too long without running that the pin connectors in the ECM can become tarnished and will give intermittent codes......


Is it fixed.......I seldom get by that easy but......what the heck maybe the old saying .......use it or...lose it.....might work on M11's....maybe......time will tell


Drive on......(Don't park too long.....)

97 Freightshaker Century Cummins M11-370 / 1350 /10 spd / 3:08 /tandem/ 20ft Garage/ 30 ft Curtis Dune toybox with a removable horse-haul-module to transport Dolly-The-Painthorse to horse camps and trail heads all over the Western U S


While I agree with you the trucks are better when used, I think is important to really use them when you start them. Using it once a week to go for groceries isn't a good idea unless you are going to have them running down the road long enough to really warm up all the fluids. It takes much longer to do that with no load. I parked my truck last Saturday and don't plan to start it again until spring, maybe for the ECR again.



White 2000/2010Volvo VNL 770 with 7' Drom box with opposing doors,  JOST slider hitch. 600 HP Cummins Signature 18 Speed three pedal auto shift.

1999 Isuzu VehiCross retired to a sticks and bricks garage. Brought out of storage the summer of 2022

2022 Jeep Wrangler Sport S Two door hard top.

 2023 Triumph Tiger 1200 GT Explorer

2013 Space Craft Mfg S420 Custom built Toyhauler

The Gold Volvo is still running and for sale. 



I have heard it both ways. Can let it set for six months you will be fine to need to run it once a month. I drive it once a month when setting at our winter park. Have a 40 mile round trip I go on.


While I agree with you the trucks are better when used, I think is important to really use them when you start them. Using it once a week to go for groceries isn't a good idea unless you are going to have them running down the road long enough to really warm up all the fluids. It takes much longer to do that with no load. I parked my truck last Saturday and don't plan to start it again until spring, maybe for the ECR again.





I agree, short spurts are worse than just sitting. I once mentioned to a Volvo service manager that I was worried about the truck sitting for months at a time. He said, "Are you kidding? We have trucks that sit on the lot for three or four years. We put new batteries in and they are fine. Don't sweat it."

Dennis & Nancy
Tucson, AZ in winter, on the road in summer.

1999 Volvo 610 "Bud" 425 HP Volvo, Super 10 spd.
2005 Mountain Aire 35 BLKS
2013 smart fortwo CityFlame riding on Bud
(Replaced '05 smart first loaded in '06

and '11 smart that gave it's life to save me!)
Our Travel Blog


The only downside so far of the truck sitting has been a extreme reluctance to engage reverse every spring, takes about 10 minutes of manual/reverse before it will actually go into reverse.

Got to be a build up of schmutz on the XYZ mechanism .

2005 volvo 670 freedomline singled
Newmar Torrey Pine 34rsks
woot woot


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