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Water cloggggg


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Hi all -


Gary and I are new to RV-ing - We've been in this one [borrowed while ours is being retrofitted] and it's a 2007 Nomad - we've had the water back up in the tub, which we found out the br sink is draining into the tub and now the kitchen sinks also draining into the tub - soooo all is now backing up - a local dealer told us to use drano - and see if that works - we cannot take it any where at this time - and are living in it while our house is being renovated and we sell it - any suggestions???


Most what I've learned is online through YouTube or friends... HELP!!!


Thanks & Blessings,


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Check for two gray tanks, a second dump valve that you are missing or even a second sewer line to dump from, all are possibilities.


You might have a clog in the dump line, drano and liquid plumber might work but also make it really nasty (read that as expensive if you have to hire help) to work on.


What I'd do is get a sewer line fitting you aren't going to have a problem replacing and drill a hole in it big enough for a garden hose to fit into. Screw a driveway-blaster (small fixed orifice) type nozzle onto it and feed it into the hole. hook your dump hose back up and stick it into the sewer, firmly in as you may get a real rush of water. Turn the hose on and feed it into the dump line and up to the tank with the water turned up to full flow, the blaster should get to the clog and dislodge it. If you have a rag handy to plug the hose hole as soon as you see the tank start to drain you should get little spillage.


If you already put toxic stuff in the tanks, add gloves and serious water-proof eye protection to the mix. Also have someone standing well back with a second hose to flush you off. Pick a good friend as liquid plumber in your shorts is going to encourage you to remove them and face the hose for as much water on the area as possible.

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Thank y'all so much!! I've check all tanks - this Nomad has only 3 - Water; Gray Water and Black Tanks - I've dumped all 3 - Mr. Miller - I've got the blaster attachment and have cleaned out all tanks - there seems to be no major clog - and on this model there's no indicator for how full the tanks are - I dump weekly and we've been told to leave the Gray water open as we are hooked up behind our home to city water [yes we have a filter and a pressure regulator] I must say it seems to operate better when I leave the gray tank closed and open it every other day - ??? I guess you learn as you go - kinda OJT! As well as every RV is different -


I thank you all for your help!




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