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Anyone know what the uploading of pictures on this site is all about? I posted 2 pics of a project and the limit was 500kb now when i try to post pics of another project i only have 100 kb left, I then went to my earlier post and deleted a pic and still only have 100 kb to upload, I figured, new post i would get a reset back to 500kb your thoughts on this matter? Thanks

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Perhaps one of the moderators will comment to the site specifics, but as a person who has owned and moderated other forums, I can say that pics are hogs, both in terms of server space taken and bandwidth. I never allowed pics at all on the forums I owned. Your best, and honestly easiest, solution is to post your pics at a site like photobucket and then just provide links in your posts here.


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You have a very limited space here due to the expense of storage space on the server, it is unlikely it will ever change much.


Deleting an image from your post does not remove the photo form your storage space, you need to visit your profile and delete the photo from your space to get it back.


Aside from a couple small photos like for your avatar and profile page you will be served far better by a free photobucket account. Other services will also work but due to the way the forum works it seems that photobucket is the least hassle. Lots of tips on doing these options down in the "about the forums" section.

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To post pictures on this board and most others , you need to first open an account on a photo hosting website such as Photobucket.
Once you sign up and have an account, you can upload your photos from your computer to the Photobucket account. When you get ready to upload, you can use the image processing software on your computer to size your photos to 640x480 pixels, or you can edit them using the tools provided by the hosting site. In any case, you'll want to ensure your photos are limited to 640x480 pixels. This size fits nicely on every board and is large enough for detail without getting grainy .
To post a photo in a thread , click on the picture in Photobucket . That picture will appear in a new window with several lines of code to the right . Double click the code with the IMG tag. Then paste it in the Reply box below .

Hope this helps, or at least gets you started.

Goes around , comes around .

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