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Veterans say marijuana helps ease PTSD, pain


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Veterans say marijuana helps ease PTSD, pain




"Veterans recently joined a tour of a local dispensary and testing lab to tell their stories of how medical marijuana has improved their lives since they left the military.


The tour was hosted by the Las Vegas Medical Marijuana Association, which was formed to promote the medical marijuana industry in Nevada. The association recognizes the use of cannabis to treat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and other ailments.


“Marijuana changed my whole life,” said Cristina Alfonso-Zea, an Army veteran who uses medical marijuana to treat PTSD. “From the time I left the military, I attempted suicide every year.”


She said she first turned to alcohol, synthetic marijuana and other drugs to cope.


“After a while, opiates don’t work,” she said.


Now Alfonso-Zea holds a weekly group discussion for veterans at Oasis Medical clinic to educate them about the benefits of medical marijuana.


Pot offers Alfonso-Zea and other veterans, like Top Gun Commander Shane Terry, the relief they need."


More in the article as well as a video here: http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/veterans-say-marijuana-helps-ease-ptsd-pain

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I have it from local " experts" that edible marijuana is the way to go. Helps with pain eliminates the smoke, stink and buzz. Well....some might like the buzz..lol.

<p>....JIM and LINDA......2001 American Eagle 40 '.towing a GMC Sierra 1500 4X4 with RZR in the rear. 1999 JEEP Cherokee that we tow as well.


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I'd do the edible if needed. I have surgeries I have been putting off and I may have to go recuperate at my son's house in Denver where I could use it in any form for pain only. Plus my son and his wife are both BSRNs and surgical ICU/Trauma nurses. (my youngest, who got burned out owning the local Outback Steakhouse for 7 years, and went back to get his second BS in nursing)


I tried one Lortab once, and threw the rest of the 20 prescribed down the toilet years ago. I made it a personal rule to never use anything but NSAIDs like my golden bullet I take daily, 500mg Naproxen sodium in the AM and one at night if needed. Same when I had all my teeth yanked, upper and lower, all at once in one morning to get dentures and stop spending $10k a year on root canals and crowns. All I needed back then, when I was not taking it daily, was my Naproxen Sodium only and tore up the OxyContin script they insisted I take just in case. I kept it overnight but tore it up. I grew up in the 60s in the NYC area. I am no stranger to Cannabis Sativa, and yes I did inhale pre USAF. I never smoked it after enlisting. Just cigarettes and alcohol. I don't like or do any drugs, not even Ethanol, it was linked to my smoking, so rather than risk that trigger, I quit it too and have saved thousands of bucks in six years. I would make an exception to weed, for pain relief, in edible form only. And then only if my NSAID didn't do the trick. I quit smoking 3 packs a day of cigarettes six years ago and don't like the idea of smoking anything. I am remarkably healthy today save the neck and back frame issues. No high BP or diabetes, no other hassles or cholesterol problems. Just the weight gain from six years ago when I quit smoking.


But I like the option of a non addictive non narcotic pain reliever. Pot never harmed me in any way like alcohol with hangovers and impairment.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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