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Potential option for those under 65.

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In Virginia today Hillary proposed a plan where those under 65 could buy into Medicare early instead of buying a plan on the state exchange.


Setting politics aside this could solve a big problem for Escapees under 65 worrying about out of state coverage issues.



Dave and Lana Hasper

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This idea was floated when the ACA was being worked and unfortunately it was killed at that time. IIRC, the proposal was for those aged 55-65 to be able to buy in. At the time, we thought it would be expensive but it would have been a great option for us.

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The problem is that Medicare is already a money loosing operation and that proposal would likely make it worse, as well as taking a big bite out of the health insurance business, which is a private industry. The argument against that will be the issue of capitalism versus socialism.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Again, IIRC, the idea was to charge enough to both pay the rate for the new younger Medicare and a bit more to shore up the system better. I won't get into the politics of the idea, except to see that the entire system is a mess now.

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Yes NJTroy, I expect the price of the buy in would be set each year much like with private insurance and this would need to be cost neutral to the government. People would be eligible for the same subsidies as on the private market and private insurers would need to compete with the public plan based on the actual costs without any additional subsidy by government. But the big deal for RVers under 65 would be a national plan which is what makes the most sense for our group.

Dave and Lana Hasper

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