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Inside the Conficker-Infected Police Body Cameras


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This one illustrates the lengths to which criminal organizations will go. Imagine a criminal organization having access to all the computers in a police network.




"Rarely does one story run such a gamut of security threats, encapsulating in this case, Internet of Things risks, supply chain infiltration and some circa-2008 malware for good measure.


But that’s what we have with this week’s saga of the body cameras, marketed for police use, that were shipped already infected with the Conficker worm.


IT integrator Jarrett Pavao, owner of iPower Technologies of Boca Raton, Fla., told Threatpost on Tuesday that he still hasn’t heard an explanation from Martel Electronics of California, makers of the Martel Frontline Camera. Two of the $499 cameras were bought and shipped to iPower last week; the integrator bought the cameras to test a cloud service being developed by iPower to host police body camera video.


“We plugged the first one in, and our antivirus and firewall went nuts detecting Conficker,” Pavao said. “We thought it was a false positive, that there was no way a new camera would have this embedded in it. We submitted the sample to VirusTotal and was run through 40 filters, all of them said it was Conficker. We said ‘This is crazy.'


Pavao decided to test the second camera, but did so on a virtual machine in a lab setting running Wireshark.


“Out of the box it started hitting other machines on our lab network, breaking into network shares, trying brute-force attacks,” Pavao said. “It reached out to IPs in China and Brazil as well.


”The Wireshark session was recorded and is in the video below. Pavao then reached out to Martel Electronics via email and a phone call to a low-level support technician, but the manufacturer, which has been in business for three decades, did not believe Pavao."


The rest of the story is amazing. It includes a video of the infection trying to start in Wireshark. The rest of the story is at: https://threatpost.com/inside-the-conficker-infected-police-body-cameras/115407/#sthash.gIbiaUPf.dpuf

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Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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