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Red Hat and Microsoft cozy up in the Azure cloud


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Red Hat and Microsoft have overcome their differences enough to offer RHEL on Azure, with all the trappings to make hybrid solutions work




"It apparently took nearly two years to negotiate, but the sound of a crisp frost was heard in hell this morning as Microsoft and Red Hat announced what was described as a “deep” agreement for Azure to offer Red Hat Enterprise Linux and for RHEL to include .Net technologies.


The news will make hybrid cloud solutions using both Microsoft and Red Hat products a reality. To make that work, support staff for RHEL will be co-located with Microsoft Azure staff, and Azure VMs will be able to be managed with Red Hat’s CloudForms tool.

That must come as a huge relief to Microsoft Azure, the second-place player in a massively competitive public cloud market. Azure has been a big money gamble for some time, and while it has been able to secure agreements for hosting other Linux flavors (notably Suse and Ubuntu), the big prize has always been Red Hat.


Azure can now credibly claim to offer stalwart Microsoft customers seamless hosting of both the obvious proprietary workloads and Red Hat’s growing family of enterprise middleware. That will eventually encompass JBoss and OpenShift, but for now it means customers can use their Red Hat subscriptions on Azure via Red Hat Cloud Access.


Red Hat wins too, of course. The company is no longer locked out of accounts with critical dependencies on Microsoft that had been migrating to Azure, and with integrated support for Azure in CloudForms in the future, customers need not be specially aware they are even using Azure rather than other partners in Red Hat’s cloud certification program. The deal is clearly more than a marketing shim, as the two companies have promised to co-locate support teams so that hybrid cloud deployments have a single point of contact."


Microsoft continues to attack Linux in other areas on patents and not signing on to the Open Source standards and agreements. The article said that goodwill can be shown by MS signing on to the Mozilla Open Software Patent License Agreement or join OIN. Those and the rest of the details are in the original article along with related links and hotlinks to each mentioned item here: http://www.infoworld.com/article/3001554/open-source-tools/red-hat-and-microsoft-cozy-up-in-the-azure-cloud.html?phint=newt%3Dinfoworld_open_source&phint=idg_eid%3D6aa01e18b29f7b6f9149f611f8eac228#tk.IFWNLE_nlt_openenterprise_2015-11-11



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