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Safest Way to Travel with Pets in a MH


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We are new full-timers and will be traveling with our two smallish (40lbs) dogs. One is a wonderful traveler, the other not so much. Let's just say that we need to make a few pit-stops along the way and a roll of paper towels and hand wipes are always handy.


They both currently ride in the car in a large create, which helps the poor traveler feel a little bitter.


On travel days- is it safest to keep the dogs in their crate or should we let them roam?


We are new so your tips, suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated!


Thank you,


Scott and Victoria

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Many dogs are happier in a crate when moving and they are big enough that they could do some serious damage if you made a sudden stop and they went flying. Also you wouldn't have the risk of them getting free at a rest stop of fuel stop which is worth considering.


We didn't crate our cats in our fiver but they spent their travel time hiding under our chairs and hated the crates.

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A great deal of this is also dependent upon the pet in question. Our current dog was adopted when we were fulltime and since she was only 6 weeks old, RV living is the only life that she knows. When in our motorhome she always road on the floor, beneath Pam's feet on the passenger side and almost never moved from that spot. Our previous dog rode in her crate by her own choice. Bot dogs would make it known if they needed a potty break but we usually stopped often enough for that not to happen.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Our two current dogs (50 & 60#) and cat all ride in their crates which are secured in the vehicle. They will also go in their crates voluntarily at times because it has been their "spot" and safehaven since they were puppies and kitten.

The one that dies with the most toys is still dead!

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We have two dogs and I would NEVER let them roam free inside the motorhome while traveling!!! Think of what would happen to them in an accident...they could become flying missiles, becoming seriously injured or killed. Even if they survive the accident, they could then get free and run into traffic getting hit and killed...or run away never to be found.


I drive the car separately, and the two dogs are inside a crate in the back seat. However, when we first got our motorhome (traded our fifth wheel and truck for it while we were in Arizona during the winter), we were without our car so had to spend the first 3-4 months using the motorhome as our only mode of transportation. What we did then was to put the booth table down, put the crate on top and then run the seatbelts on both sides through the bars of the crate.


I would definitely find some way of securing the crate inside the motorhome so that it doesn't go flying in the case of an accident.

2014 Winnebago Aspect 27K
2011 Kia Soul


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