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Microsoft to accelerate its release pace for Windows 10 preview


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For the folks who are brave enough to be running the Windows 10 preview things are about to get hectic. Remember it is a Beta test preview so no guarantees of stability, in fact the opposite. But they have been going slowly and surely until now. If I were running it on my main computer I'd be making recoverable images or saving my data and reverting to 8.1. Inevitably there will be a lot of folks who don't heed the warning. If you are one of them read the following article closely.




"If you're testing the Windows 10 Technical Preview, Microsoft has a friendly word of advice for you: Fasten your seat belt. And if you're worried about the risk of crashing, consider downgrading to the Slow ring.


It's taking considerably longer than some members of the Windows Insider program expected, but Microsoft appears to be on the verge of releasing an updated Windows 10 preview build. And this time, the company says, it's serious about picking up the pace.


For those already in the preview program, the Fast ring is about to accelerate. On Twitter today, Microsoft's Gabe Aul announced: (There is a graphic in the article with what he said)


Today's updates are a follow-up from Aul's blog post earlier this week, which confirmed that a new build is in the final stages of testing:


""I have a build in hand that we produced on Friday. It was validated by our test automation, and will go out through our internal rings and get installed and used by thousands of people at Microsoft. It is the freshest code with all newest features and fixes. If it passes all of our evaluation criteria it could be in your hands late this week or early next week.""


(If you're interested in the minutiae of Windows development and how processes have changed from earlier eras, the entire post is worth reading.)


If the new build appears in update channels tomorrow (Friday, March 13), it will arrive exactly seven weeks after build 9926, which was released January 23 following a holiday break of more than two months.


That is a much more conservative release pace than most Microsoft watchers expected. In a post announcing that January release, Aul called that gap "the longest you should expect to see with the program... We'll get new builds out faster moving forward."


This week's detailed explanation of how the preview build release cycle works included a frank acknowledgment that the Windows 10 schedule hasn't lived up to that promise so far this year. "[W]e've probably been too conservative about pushing builds to the Fast ring for Windows Insiders," Aul admitted"


The whole article with much more is here: http://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-to-accelerate-its-release-pace-for-windows-10-preview/?tag=nl.e589&s_cid=e589&ttag=e589&ftag=TREc64629f


Hang onto your mice!


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