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Lazy Daze user group on Yahoo


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My bookmark for the Yahoo Lazy Daze users group no longer gets me to the site. Instead I get an error message. Has the url address for the site changed, and if you know the new one can you post it here? Any other Lazy Dazers having trouble with that site?


Thanks in advance for any help.

Dick & Linda, hosting Abbie, our miniature Dachshund.
23.5' Lazy Daze MH
Newberg, Oregon

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As Martha says, the Lazy Daze owners' forum dumped the clunky, awkward, non-intuitive, "if something works, change it!" Yahoo board. Thanks to the many hours of work by the new hosts and the moderators, most of the content from the old board has been moved to the new, far more usable, intuitive, and organized website.

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