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Microsoft opens Office for Android tablet preview to all comers


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Got Android? Want Office free?


Redmond expands its earlier invite-only sneak peek: Lollipop users are now eligible.




"Microsoft today opened its preview of Office for Android tablets to all eligible comers, expanding the sneak peek from the invite-only beta it first offered in November.

The requirements for using the preview were also slightly changed. Microsoft added the recently released Android 5.0 Lollipop to the requirements list, which earlier had included only Android 4.4 KitKat. Tablets must sport a screen between 7 inches and 10.1 inches to run the unfinished apps.


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According to Google, 34 percent of all Android devices ran KitKat as of Dec. 1; Lollipop's share was less than 0.1 percent. Some tablets, however, do run Lollipop, including Google's own Nexus 7 and Nexus 10.


Office for Android is composed of the same three core apps seen in Office for iPad: Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. Office for iPad debuted in March 2014, and the Android apps boast similar if not identical functionality to those that run on Apple's tablet.


As with Office for iPad, when Office for Android launches, users will be able to view, create, and edit documents free of charge in noncommercial settings, but business customers and anyone who wants to use the advanced features will need a current Office 365 subscription."


To see how and where to download it go to the article here: http://www.infoworld.com/article/2866094/android/microsoft-opens-office-for-android-tablet-preview-to-all-comers.html?phint=newt%3Dinfoworld_open_source&phint=idg_eid%3D6aa01e18b29f7b6f9149f611f8eac228#tk.IFWNLE_nlt_openenterprise_2015-01-07


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